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Learning objective: The students should be able to identify the planets as components of the
Solar System
Learning Competencies:
Specifically, the students should:
1. identify the different planets that composed the solar system;
2. discuss the particular characteristics for every planet; and
3. describe the physical features of every planet
Learning Task:
Title: A Planet Walk to Remember!
1. Divide the class into eight groups.
2. Every group will be assigned to a particular planet:
Group 1 Mercury

Group 5 Jupiter

Group 2 Venus

Group 6 Saturn

Group 3 Earth

Group 7 Uranus

Group 4 Mars

Group 8 - Neptune

3. Let each group conceptualize on how they are going to present the assigned planet to
them in a creative way given that they discuss the particular characteristics for the planet
and describe its physical features.
4. This activity is a gallery walk. Each group is given a specific place or area within the
classroom to conduct their presentation of the planet assigned to them.
5. Each group will be graded based on the scoring rubrics below:




The presentation of the group during the gallery walk is exceptionally unique, creative
and well-organized. The group expresses an excellent mastery of the topic. The
information, ideas and concepts said are true and/or supported by evidences and are
communicated very clearly. The group shows a great team work and effort in
The presentation of the group during the gallery walk is very unique, creative and wellorganized. The group expresses an adequate mastery of the topic. The information,
ideas and concepts said are slightly true and/or supported by evidences and are
communicated clearly. The group shows a good team work and effort in presenting.
The presentation of the group during the gallery walk is somehow unique, creative and
well-organized. The group expresses little mastery of the topic. The information, ideas
and concepts said are somehow true and/or supported by evidences and are
communicated quite clearly. The group shows a little team work and effort in
The presentation of the group during the gallery walk is not that unique, creative and
well-organized. The group expresses lack of mastery of the topic. The information,
ideas and concepts said are doubtful and not supported by evidences and are
communicated poorly. The group shows a very little team work and effort in

Learning objective: The students should be able to identify the phases of the moon and describe
their significance on Earth
Learning Competencies:
Specifically, the students should:
1. identify and explain the different phases of the moon and their significance;
2. discuss and explain the impact of the different lunar phases to Earth and humans; and
3. perform in a creative manner their knowledge about the phases of the moon.
Learning Task:
Title: Your Phase is LUNARtic!
1. Divide the class into four groups.
2. Every group will perform a jazz chant about the different phases of the moon and its
significance to Earth and how it affects and its effects to humans.
3. Each group will be graded based on the scoring rubrics below:

The presentation of the group is exceptionally unique, creative and well-organized.
The performance is content-wise and excellently conveys the needed information and
ideas about the topic. The delivery of lines and message is very clear.
The presentation of the group is adequately unique, creative and well-organized. The
performance is content-wise and conveys enough needed information and ideas about
the topic. The delivery of lines and message is clear.
The presentation of the group is fairly unique, creative and well-organized. The
performance is slightly content-wise and conveys a little of the needed information and
ideas about the topic. The delivery of lines and message is quite clear.
The presentation of the group is somehow unique, creative and well-organized. The
performance is not that content-wise and conveys very little of the needed information
and ideas about the topic. The delivery of lines and message is not clear.

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