Goal Sheet

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Student-Led Conference Goals

1. My ACADEMIC goal is To improve my studying skills

for all classes the year
The steps I will take to achieve this goal are as follows:
Experiment with different ways to help me study
and remember things.
Find a way to motivate myself to study
c.)Whenever I have a test or something important
happening in school, dont just study the night before.
My parents can help me by: Encourage/remind me to do my
homework and study.
My teachers can help me by: Reminding me when important
tests and events are.
2. My SOCIAL goal is To improve my relationship with my
The steps I will take to achieve this goal are as follows:
Try to look at things in their perspective
When I get in a fight with my sister, try to be this
bigger person and end it
c.)To be nice and help around the house.
My parents can help me by: Telling me when I can help or
reminding me of my goal.
My teachers can help me by: NA
3. My PERSONAL goal is To give my best and look at
things in a more optimistic way.
The steps I will take to achieve this goal are as follows:

Whenever something bad happens, try to look at it
in an optimistic way.
If you are having a bad day, try to think about
SOMETHING positive.
c.)Always think, it could be worse.
My parents can help me: By reminding me of my goal and
reminding me of the optimistic side of things
My teachers can help me by: Same as parents

I discussed this with my parents on: __________________


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