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Unit 1 Topics Review

Day 1 - Introduction/Source Analysis

Day 2 - Revolution/Government
Day 3 - Manifest Destiny/Westward Expansion
Day 4 - Civil War/Reconstruction
Day 5 - Review (warrant support w/ evidence)/ Assessment (9/1)
Unit 2 Mini Topics Industry
Day 1 - Pre-Assessment
Day 2 - Rise of Industry
Day 3 - Big Business
Day 4 - Newsies
Day 5 - Factory Workers; Child Labor
Day 6 - Labor Unions
Day 7 - Immigration
Day 8 - Assessment (9/25)
Unit 3 Mini Topics Progressive
Day 1 - Progressive Era, Project: assign groups- choose individual, research.
Homework: Profile Pages.
Day 2 - Followers/Friends- Work on Tweets
Day 3 - Making their Twitter Feed (Posters) - Come up with main points of topic.
Day 4 - Twitter Stalking, Q&A
Day 5 - Finish Progressive, Election Reform

Day 6 - 10/26 Assessment (5 Paragraph Essay)

End of First Term (10/23)

Unit 4 Mini Topics Imperialism
Day 1 - 10/28 Pre-Assessment, Imperialism
Day 2 - 10/30 Imperialism
Day 3 - 11/3 WWI Intro/ US Enters the Conflict
Day 4 - 11/5 The Home Front During WWI
Day 5 - 11/9 A Bloody Conflict Webquest
Day 6 - 11/11 Flawed Peace/ Treaty of Versailles Simulation
Day 7 - 11/13 Assessment
Unit 5 Mini Topics Roaring 1920s
Day 1 - 11/17 Pre Assessment Harlem Renaissance. Roaring Twenties- Jazz,
Art, Etc.
Day 2 - 11/19 Changing Woman, Prohibition, Organized Crime. Impact of the
Day 3 -11/23 Mass Media, Rise of Sports, Rise of Celebrity, Consumerism
Day 4- 11/30 Review
Day 5 - 12/2 Assessment
Unit 6 Mini Topics New Deal, Great Depression

Day 1 Fri. 12/4 - Roots of the Great Depression

Day 2 Tues 12/8 - Stock Market Game; Black Tuesday notes

Day 3 Thurs - 12/10 - Life During the Great Depression/Dust Bowl
Day 4 Monday - 12/14 - Hoover Responds
Day 5 - Wed - 12/16 - Roosevelt and the New Deal
Day 6 Friday - 12/18 - Finish New Deal / All Late Work Due / Essay Due
Day 7 - Tues. 1/5 - Review material
Day 8 - Thurs. 1/7 - TERM 1 TEST/ Grade Essays
Day 9- Monday- Remediation

End Second Term

Unit 7 Mini Topics WWII
Day 1- Pre Assessment, Rise of Hitler, Mussolini, Japanese Aggression,
Beginnings of WWII
Day 2- US isolation vs intervention, Neutrality Acts, Alliances, Pearl Harbor
Day 3- US involvement- Homefront, Mobilization, Role of Women, Role of
Minorities (Zoot Suit Riots, Detroit Riots)
Day 4- European Movement, Holocaust
Day 5- Pacific Movement, Internment Camps, Atomic Bombs
Day 6- Impact of the War, Suburbanization, Post War Culture
Day 7- Assessment (2/10)

Unit 8 Mini Topics Beginnings of the Cold War-Korean War

Day 1- Pre Assessment, Foreign Policy (Containment, Truman Doctrine,
Marshall Plan), Red Scare- Communism
Day 2- Asia, Fall of China, Korean War
Day 3- Russia, UN, Arms/Space Race, McCarthy- HUAC
Day 4- Cuban Missile Crisis
Day 5- Assessment
Unit 9 Mini Topics Civil Rights, Vietnam War, Counterculture
Day 1- Pre Assessment, Protest Posters/Project Intro
Day 2- Civil Rights Movement
Day 3- Civil Rights impact, Build Up to Vietnam War
Day 4- Vietnam War - Homefront, Student Protests
Day 5- Counterculture
Day 6- Project Presentations
Day 7- (3/31) Assessment
End Third Term
Unit 10 Mini Topics 70s and 80s
Detente with China and Soviet Union
Iran Hostage Crisis
Oil Crisis
Carter vs. Reagan
Conservative America
We didnt start the fire

Unit 11 Mini Topics 90s and 2000s

Tech Revolution
Bush and Clinton Administration
Rodney King, OJ Simpson
90s Culture
Gulf War
Interview a parent or someone on life Pre and Post 9/11
Unit 12 Mini Topics Present Day
Interview two peers about an event in their lifetime (social, economic, political
issues) and answer their own questions asked in the interview.
MOAT (mother of all tests, aka final)
Connections Project 2nd Semester
Choose a topic that has happened within the Student lifetime.

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