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CHEMICAL AND ECOTOXICOLOGICAL QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF THE ROVINJ COSTAL AREA, NORTHERN ADRIATIC, CROATIA Dijana Pavicic-Hamer * and Bojan Hamer Ruder Boskovie Institute, Center for Marine Research, Rovitj, Croatia -pavicie@eim tbr Abstract PAHs content in sediment showed clear differences between pristine, urban industrial and harbor areas Sites ranged according total HSP70 protein contents in mussel gills and total PAHS content in sediment show the same increased order. On the basis ofthe present results, we suggest that both sediment chemical (PAHs) and biomarker (HSP7O) analyses can serve asa useful index ofthe contamination level and ‘san early warning indicator of environmental alterations Keywords: Pah, Mollusc, Blo-indicators, Adriatic Sea, Pollution Paton ofthe Rovinj costa rea was determined by PAHS content anal jit in sede and strese70 proteins as bmarers of environmental entaninationexposueffet ia natural mustel populations, cllected Seatonlly ot ferent plltd sits (Fig. 1.) Site ou of Liki Kanal (G1), was used aba veference pont, while other loston are under the tlsoce of marist, sndustal and urban runoff wast: mureltne (62), sh cannery (S-), gasoline station (S-, loa! hatbour ($5) and tobacco factory ($8), Fig. Lovation ofthe sampling ites inthe Rovn costal ara, nonera ‘Aditi, Coa PAH analysis. Content of PAHs determined in sediment fom ses St 1S-6are divided int Tour groups asordng to heir number of aromatic ings asa sum of| i PAs each sediment and poroort of each eroup, respectively (ig 2A). Twelve of inten analyzed PAH ere ound alow to maderate con- ‘tations, anging fom 320 13681 np ofthe otal PAHS per sediment ty weight They showed clear differences between pristine, urn nd {al and haror areas. Acconing 1 he tal eoacenaio of 12 PAHS ected in the sediment sampling sts ean be ranged in a increasing fxder: $1, S.2, $3, Se, $-8 and $5. Molecular ines revealed ha PAH inthe sediment originate mainly from pyrolytic sources, but Some ‘pevoleun influence wa also evident (hbo) Sess-70 protein analysis “The medteranen nsel M,glloprovinicialis Lamarck 1819 was used for ccooxicoogia ovestigaion and gl as atret tse. Stes-70 protin content fier exposition of organisms to contaminant for long pis in thle environment provide a method for quantifying adverse Folia impacts when examined in wid populations frm contaminated Using SDS-PAGE and Wester blot analysis wo sues-70 proteins (SPIO snd HSP72) were detected [2] Investigations of earl mus. fel popations colle at erent polluted sits ofthe Revi area in foot seasons indicted that there ia giant irene sn s4es-70 content in mass form contrasts Limeki kanal ($1) and thos fom ‘ter sampling sites with urban and indus pollion Fig. 2B), Fig. 2. A) Total PAHs (op dw) and group profle of PAHs (9%) fom ‘maine sediments. B) Total HSP7O content il daswes of Mc gallo provincia elected seasonally a 6 locations, como (-1) and under ‘heintoece of maieutore, dui and urban unt (Chemica analyses of PAHS in sediment help to determine the magaitude ‘of antropogeie contamination by ieaiying the pollaants but do not frovide any information about the contaminant eet on the bio [1 $Seose-70 poten indton as biomarker of export of pllsion is poutvely relied o total PAHs content at sampling sites. The highest ‘umultve anal HSPT0 content vas obsered at the st with he gh ‘xt ttl sediment PAH content, There is no prof tht ses-70 protein Induction sin ditet connection to PAHS evel ound i the sdiment of theinvestgated sites, although avait of industries indicate the presence of thr plltant and srs oa References 1 Bits N,Fafandel M,, Hamer B. snd Kral Bien B., 2006. PAH tens oxy and genotonety of costal marine sient fom the Ronin ares, norte Ada, Croatia. Se Ta. Environ 366: 602-61), 2” Hamer B, Pavicie Hamer D., Moller WEG. ard Batel R, 2008 ‘Sees 70 prtsins in marine russel Myris gllproincis biomarker ‘of enicomental polation A el ty. Erron.I.30: 873-882, 302 COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE POUR L’EXPLORATION SCIENTIFIQUE DE LA MER MEDITERRANEE RAPPORT DU 38° CONGRES DE LA CIESM 38" CIESM CONGRESS PROCEEDINGS Istanbul (Turquie) 2007 Volume 38

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