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C . W o o d & A s s o c ia te s is a m o ck bu s in e s s . W e a r e s tu d e n ts e n ro l le d in V ir tu a l E n t e rp r is e .

M o re a bo u t th is co u rs e ca n be fo u n d a t w w w .v e i n t e rn a t io n a l .o rg o r cw o o dr e a l ty .w e e bly . co m

Suite 1509

Our Staff
Jonathan Aceron
Information Technology

Eric Caldwell
Director of Sales

Kenan Davis

Deja Fennoy
Executive Assistant

Demetrius Jackson
Chief Operating Officer

Breyana McElveen

2000 Oswego Road Sumter, SC 29153

803-469-6200 ex.1509

From the Desk of the CEO

C. Wood & Associates has had a great start to the year. In just over
a month, we have interviewed and placed 13 employees, established
product lines in the real estate market and the construction of our
website is complete.
After researching our target market and business opportunities both
locally and virtually, we have chosen to venture into real estate. The
concept behind our business model is Let us help you find your
way home. We plan to build desirable homes of good quality,
convert them into duplexes, and sell or rent them at affordable
rates. Although our primary market consists of fellow Virtual Enterprise students in over 40
countries, I encourage all fellow Knights to participate in purchasing or renting our virtual
products as well. No, we dont expect you to actually pay. Simply fill out a sales form with a
member of our sales team and our company will receive credit for the sale through the
Virtual Enterprise system.
The hard working staff of C. Wood & Associates is continually grateful for the extended
support of Sumter School District, Dr. Gamble, the administration, guidance department, staff
of Crestwood High School, and all others who have helped make this program a possibility.

Kimberly Mosquero
Director of Information Technology

Jacquline Rembert
Information Technology

Abigail Reyes
Human Resources

AriElle Scott

Keandre Smiling
Human Resources

Elijah J. Smith
Chief Financial Officer

Jalen White
Chief Executive Officer

October 2015
Volume I

Issue I

With an emphasis on college and career readiness, VEI is an in-school, live, global business
simulation that offers students a competitive edge through project-based, collaborative learning
and the development of 21st-century skills in entrepreneurship, global business, problem solving,
communication, personal finance and technology.
In addition to giving students a head start on jobs and careers, VEI reinforces students academic
skills and achievement, reignites their interest in education, and raises their desire to graduate
and pursue lifelong learning. Through developing and managing businesses, students not only stay
in school, but gain expertise in problem-solving, decision-making, communication, collaboration,
technology, and accessing, using and analyzing information21st-century skills that are key to
success in both college and careers. Taken from About VEI article.

C . W o o d & A s s o c ia te s is a m o ck bu s in e s s . W e a r e s tu d e n ts e n ro l le d in V ir tu a l E n t e rp r is e . M o re a bo u t th i s co u rs e ca n b e fo u n d a t
w w w .v e in te rn a t io n a l .o rg o r cw o o dr e a l ty .w e e bly . co m

Let the selling begin!
B r e y a n a M c E l v e e n , Sa l e s

C. Wood & Associates is off to a fantastic month and we are all elated to be here. As a salesperson, I have the
opportunity to work with a wonderful sales team: Eric Caldwell and Kenan Davis. We would like to think of C. Wood &
Associates as a family business because we work as one to build positive relationships with each other and share our
ideas that may bring great changes to our business.
We are happy to announce that the administration of C. Wood & Associates has given us the responsibility of selling
homes and rental properties. I believe this will prove to be an amazing opportunity and we cant wait to begin. In order
to be successful, we must first sell our homes and arrange rental accounts with students in the US and internationally.
Virtual Enterprise exists in over forty countries around the world so we have a lot of work to do.
We are also excited that we will get the opportunity to sell to people in our local community, which includes our Crestwood family. In order to
get credit for sales in our community, the people who are interested will simply have to fill out one of our sales forms that clearly state that you
are interested in purchasing or renting one of our listed properties. There arent any actual costs to our community customers. So, if one of
our sales representatives approaches you, please take the time to review our wonderful homes and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity!

Tech Space

The Cedar features two 1350 sq.

ft. suites with 3 bedrooms, 2

J o n a t h a n Ac e r o n , I T

baths and a two-car garage. The

home is a new construction with

The beginning months for our company

couldnt have gone better-especially in the IT/
Marketing department. In the Information
Technology/Marketing division we are working very
hard. As of now, we have accomplished several
different things that are essential to our company. I
can finally say that we have set up our companys
website for the world to see. Though it is still a
work in progress, we have established the
foundation of the entire website. We have also designed a company logo that
we are proud of.
Please be sure to check out our website at!

quality interior and exterior

features. Landscaping is complete
as pictured.

The Pines features two 1150 sq.

ft. suites with 2 bedrooms, 2
baths and a single-car garage. The
home is a new construction with
quality interior and exterior
features. Landscaping is complete
as pictured.

Interviews and Employee Relations

D e M e t r i u s Ja c k s o n , C h i e f O p e r a t i n g O f f i c e r

As the Chief Operating Officer, it is my job to keep all employees pleased-and pleasant in the workplace. I am
in charge of job-related issues, language and relationship issues and job expectations of others within the company. I
work alongside Keandre Smiling and Abigail Reyes. We are focusing of the well-being of the employees. We all enjoy the
atmosphere at C. Wood and we are exceeding in much of the startup tasks that we have completed thus far.
I worked alongside the CEO and CFO in the interviewing process of applicants that applied for managementlevel positions such as Director of Information Technology and Marketing, Director of Sales, Administrative Assistant, as
well as all support staff.

Let us help you find your way home...

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