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ard [ venunir ore onion CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Paras tom BAYAN 8. 2012 OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO : CSC OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES SUBJECT: Enhanced Guidelines on Gender and Development Awards ‘The Commission approved through CSC Resolution No. 1200246 dated February 7, 2012 the attached Enhanced Guidelines on Gender and Development Awards, otherwise known as Gawad Kawayan Awards. All policies that are inconsistent with the guidelines are superseded. For your guidance. ISCO/T. DUQUE iil, MD, MSc Chairman ep 13 202 Ina Race to Serve: Responsive, Accessible, Courteous and Effective Public Service 3 CSC Building, IBP Road, Constitution Hills, 1226 Quezon City * 8 931-7935/931-7939/931-8092 + fal* @ www.cecgovph | Fe Sama RVICE COMMISSION ‘Porn sq tree BAYAN Enhanced Guidelines on Number:___ 1200246 Gender and Development Leste promulgated: __07 FEB 2012 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Commission, as the central personnel agency of the Philippine goverment is mandated by the Constitution to adopt measures to promote morale, efficiency, integrity, responsiveness, progressiveness in the civil service (Section 3, Art. 1X By; WHEREAS, Section 2 (1) of Republic Act No. 7192, otherwise known as the “Women in Development and Nation Building Act,” Specifically stipulates that all government departments and agencies shall review and revise all their regulations, circulars, issuances, and procedures to remove gender bias therein; WHEREAS, pursuant to the same law, the Commission embarked on a more ‘systematic and comprehensive Gender and Development (GAD) mainstreaming program in 1998 which led to various initiatives; WHEREAS, to encourage and recognize the continuing commitment of CSC Central and Regional Offices on GAD mainstreaming to ensure gender equality and eliminate discrimination, the Commission adopted the Gender and Development Awards Program otherwise known as the Gawad Kawayan Award (GKA) through CSC Resolution No, 09-0827, dated June 2, 2009; WHEREAS, the passage of Republic Act No. 9710, otherwise known as ‘The Magna Carta of Women,” in 2009, reinforces the commitment and duty of the State under Republic Act No. 7192 to develop plans, policies, programs, measures, and mechanisms to address discrimination and inequality in all spheres of life; WHEREAS, in recognition of the strong support of the State towards the elimination of discrimination under the Magna Carta of Women and the need to align the Gender and Development Awards Program with the law's intent and directions, the Commission saw the need to enhance the program guidelines to ensure its continuity and better recognition of deserving individuals and Offices of the Commission for their outstanding performance in upholding gender equality and effective implementation of gender-responsive programs; Cs Ina Race to Serve: Responsive, Accessible, Courteous and Effective Public Service [@ CSC Building, IBP Road, Constitution Hills, 1226 Quezon City 931-7935/931-7939/931-8092 * lel « @ WHEREFORE, the Commission RESOLVES to adopt the attached Enhanced Guidelines on Gender and Development Awards. Quezon City, ‘Ou Leave - RASOL L. MITMUG Commissic Commissioner Attested by: DOLORES B. BONIPACIO rector IV ‘Commission Secretariat and Liaison Office CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION BANA Enhanced Guidelines on Gender and Development Awards RATIONALE ‘The Commission adopts the Gender and Development Awards Program otherwise called g5'the Gawad Kawayan Awards (GKA) to encourage and recognize the continuing commitment of CSC Central and Regional Offices to Gender and Development (GAD) mainstreaming. The program acknowledges and celebrates ‘outstanding contributions and their contributors who have made a difference in GAD mainstreaming efforts to achieve gender equality in the Commission and the bureaucracy. This underscores harmony, morale and wellness in the workplace under Strategic Priority Ill of the CSC Road Map. OBJECTIVE The program aims to recognize and reward CSC Central and Regional Offices and employees individually or in groups, based on the following: a. __ Individuals or group of individuals who have championed GAD; and, b. Offices that have been fully committed to the development and implementation of Gender and Development (GAD) PPA {program/policy/activity) pursuant to their key result areas (KRAs) or major final outputs (MFOs). The GAD PPA has left an impact on and made an ‘outstanding contribution to mainstreaming GAD towards promoting and achieving gender equality within the bureaucracy and/or in the Commission SCOPE ‘The awards program shall apply to all Central and Regional Offices of the ‘Commission. TYPES OF GAWAD KAWAYAN AWARDS: ‘The Commission shall confer two (2) types of awards to Offices and individuals who have championed GAD. / Al 1 Gawad Kawayan Para sa Tanggapan na may Katangi-tanging Kontribusyon sa Pagpapalawig ng GAD (Outstanding GAD Contribution of an Office/Unit) The Gawad Kawayan Para sa Tanggapan na may Katangitanging Kontribusyon sa Pagpapalawig ng GAD is a recognition of a noteworthy contribution of an Office which has developed and implemented a workable and sustainable gender-responsive program, project and/or activity. The PIPIA must have left an impact on and made an outstanding contribution to mainstreaming GAD in order to achieve gender equality within the bureaucracy, in general, and/or in the Civil Service Commission, in particular. a. Criteria Impact of Achievement 50% ‘The extent to which the GAD PIPIA of an Office has far- reaching effect. Must have contributed to GAD mainstreaming efforts of the Commission and achieved gender equality and women’s empowerment in the ‘bureaucracy and/or the CSC through any or all of the following, but not limited to: 1. Conveying message that facilitates appreciation and better understanding of women's or gender- related issues; 2. Bringing about positive changes and results to men and women’s relationships andior conditions; 3. Making government employees. and beneficiariesiclients aware of their rights responsibilties and access GAD programs! services andlor, 4. Ensuring that GAD advocates are multiplied in the course of the gender mainstreaming work or advocacy for gender equality and women's empowerment. This can be manifested through positive feedback from intemal and extemal stakeholders, either through verbal ‘eport or written documents such’ as write-ups, reports, clippings, among others. Relevance and applicability 30% Can address gender issues, needs and concerns of employees in the Commission in particular and the bureaucracy in general. Can generate positive feedback of ‘employees/other agencies/clients. ‘Sustainability 20% The extent to which the program, project or activity has achieved significant results that can be carried on as a ‘regular program or activity/GAD policy issuance or has potential for replicabilty in the Commission/bureaucracy or hhas been able to_mobiize/secure/set aside resources. b. Form of Award ‘The Office which shall be conferred this award shall receive a plaque of recognition and P30,000.00 cash reward. The cash reward shall be used for the purchase of equipmentimaterials and/or implementation of capacity building initiatives or other relevant services that will further help the Office develop and implement a gender-responsive program, project and/or activity. 2. Gawad Kawayan Para sa Katangi-tanging Tagapagtaguyod (GAD Champion) The Gawad Kawayan Para sa Katangi-tanging Tagapagtaguyod is given to individuals or group of individuals, whether CSC officials or rank-and-file employees, for championing GAD and seeing through the mainstreaming efforts within the Commission and/or the bureaucracy. The GAD Champion is recognized for outstanding contribution to the advancement of gender equality and women’s empowerment. a. Criteria Noteworthiness of Accompiishments Has proven record of championing GAD for at} 50% least one year prior to nomination and with the evidence of accomplishments in the said Period such as but not limited to GAD Programs/projects/activities spearheaded or implemented, GAD-related policy issued or positive feedback from stakeholders. Appreciation/Advocacy on GAD Knowledgeable on GAD and espouses 50% gender equality in profession and personal life. No critical incident which is gender issue- felated. b Form of Award The awardee or group of awardees shall receive a plaque of recognition and P15,000.00 cash reward. The awardee/s shall be provided with appropriate HRD intervention to further enhance their competencies. vw PROCEDURES FOR THE GRANT OF AWARDS: 4. WHO MAY BE NOMINATED? Any CSC Central or Regional Office or officia/employee may be nominated. GY 3 Nominated officials/employees for the Gawad Kawayan Para sa Kalangi-tanging Tagapagtaguyod (GAD Champion) must meet the following requirements: Have been rated at least Very Satisfactory or its equivalent for the last two (2) consecutive semesters prior to nomination. Have not been found guilty of any administrative or criminal offense involving moral turpitude and have no pending administrative or criminal case at the time of the nomination. 2. WHO MAY NOMINATE FOR THE TWO CATEGORIES? Any CSC official or employee may nominate an individual or an office to the various awards pursuant to the nomination criteria. GAD ACCOMPLISHMENTS TO BE CONSIDERED FOR EVALUATION Accomplishments/achievements within the one-year period preceding the period of nomination shall be considered for screening/evaluation. 4. PROCEDURES Nomination may be made through any of the following two tracks: 1) direct nomination submitted to the Commission GKA Committee, or 2) nomination submitted by a CSC official or employee to his/her Head of Office through the Central Office/Regional Office GKA Committee. With respect to the second track, the nomination shall be pre-evaluated by the Central Office/Regional Office GKA Committee who pays particular ‘emphasis on the accomplishments of the Office based on the approved GAD Plan as well as the accomplishments of individuals. Nominations must be endorsed by the Head of Office. Central and Regional Office GANG/GAD Focal Points/GADvocates shall serve as the Secretariat of their respective Offices. The Head of Office shall, however, designate other member/s of the Secretariat in case the GANG/GAD Focal Points/GADvocates are the nominees. All nominations shall be submitted to the Commission GKA Committee through the Office for Personnel Management and Development - GKA Secretariat. A meeting of the Commission GKA Committee shall be set to deliberate and adjudicate on the nominations. A majority vote of the members is ‘enough to select an awardee/recipient provided there is a quorum for the ‘said meeting. Moreover, if the Committee assesses that no nominee qualifies for the awards, then a majority vote of the members is enough provided there is quorum. A report containing the reasons for the Committee's decision not to recommend any nominee for an award, shall however be submitted to the Commission. Ys d. Any Commission GKA Committee member may inhibit from the deliberation if he/she is the nominee or he/she is the supervisor/subordinate of the nominee during the period under evaluation. He/she may not participate in the discussion for the subject nominee nor do he /she vote for that nominee. The Commission GKA Committee, through the Secretariat, shall coordinate the conduct of the background investigation and critical incident feedback for qualified nominees. The cross-tegion scheme for the conduct of Bi/validation shall apply to this program. Expenses incurred relative to this activity shall be charged against the CO/RO's MOOEI/GAD budget. f. The Secretariat shall consolidate the results of the background investigation and convene the Commission GKA Committee for final selection of nominees. 9. The Secretariat shall submit the final list to the Commission together with the Resolution and Office Memorandum for approval. 5, DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED @. Properly accomplished nomination form (GKA Nomination Form). Information required must be complete as this will be the same form that will be provided to the Commission GKA Committee. b. Concrete proof such as office orders, attendance in GANG/GAD Focal PoinYGADvocates meetings, clippings, pictures, reports, commendation letters and other documents must be submitted to support the nomination. 6. TIME-LIMIT FOR THE SUBMISSION/EVALUATION OF NOMINATIONS 1% Week of December PMD disseminates the invitation or announcement to the Central and Regional Offices. 2 Week of January Track 2 nominations are submitted to the Head of Office who initially evaluates office/individual accomplishments. 3 Week of January Tracks 1 and 2 nominations are submitted to the OPMD-GKA Secretariat. Track 2 nominations must be duly endorsed by the Head of Office. awe mY Initial Evaluation: a. Nominations must have passed through the initial assessment of the GKA Secretariat as to the completeness of documents and veracity of information provided in the nomination documents. C/ aa es b. The Commission GKA Committee shall ‘evaluate the accomplishments of nominees based on set criteria. At this stage, the ‘Committee must have come up with a shottst of nominations. 1" Week of February ‘The Secretariat shall coordinate the conduct of Background Investigation (Bly Validation, 2° Week of February ‘The Secretariat shall consolidate the results of the background investigation and critical incident feedback td Week of February Final evaluation The Secretariat shall convene the Commission GKA Committee and present the consolidated results of the BI and critical incident feedback for final selection of nominees. At this stage of evaluation, the Committee must have come up with a list of finalists. Febru The Commission GKA Committee through the GKA Secretariat shall submit to the Commission the Finalists. 4th Week of February The Commission shall deliberate/decide the final list of awardees to be conferred the award. A" week of March ‘The Secretariat shall publish/announce the approved lst of awardees. NUMBER OF AWARDEES The maximum number of recipients per award category is three. CONFERMENT OF AWARDS ‘Central and Regional Office Awardees shall be conferred their awards during the Piknik sa Kalikasan in the Central Office as part of the Women's Month celebration during the month of March. w 9. FUNDING ‘The Commission shall allocate the required funds as recommended which shall be charged against the Gender and Development Fund of the ‘Commission. Vi COMPOSITION OF THE GAWAD KAWAYAN AWARDS COMMITTEE Gender balance in the Commission/Central/Regional GKA Committee membership shall be ensured. 1. The Commission GKA Committee Chairperson —: Assistant Commissioner designated by the Commission Co-Chairperson: Chairperson for Intemial GAD Concems. Members: _—_-Representative of Phitippine Commission on Women Representative from NGO ‘As recommended by the GKA Secretariat ‘And to be approved by the Commission Central Office GADvocate elected from amiong the members First Level Employee representative from PINTIG ‘Second Level Employee representative from PINTIG 2 ‘The Central/Regional Office GKA Committee Chairperson: Head of Office Members Three Division Chiefs/Supervisors who are not Members of GAD Focal Point(GADvocates First Level Employee representative from PINTIG ‘Second Level Employee representative from PINTIG ‘The tour of duty of the members of the Gommission/Central/Regional Office GKA Committees shall be two (2) years. Vil. FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMITTEES AND ‘SECRETARIAT 1. The Commission GKA Committee a. Initiates/Formulates/Enhances the Guidelines for the selection of awardees to the different GAD awards. b. Formulates Ground Rules to guide the Committee in evaluating ‘nominations. ¢. Screens/Evaluates and recommends to the Commission nominees for the different GAD awards. d. Documents best practices and success stories on GAD awards implementation. Cs vill. 2 The Central/Regional Office Awards Secretariat a. Conducts the initial screening and evaluates qualification of nominees to the different GAD awards. b. Submits on time to the Central GKA Committee through the OPMD the list of nominees including the justifications and documentary requirements. . Submits to OPMD critical incidents relative to the implementation of the GAD Awards Guidelines for policy enhancementimodification. 3. The GKA Secretariat a. Prepares plans, identifies resources, proposes budget for the implementation of the GAD awards on an annual basis. . Disseminates invitation to Heads of Offices officially announcing the commencement of the period of nomination to the different GAD awards. Consolidates nomination documents coming from both the Central/Regional Awards Secretariat. Coordinates and facilitates the conduct of BV/critical incident feedback and GKA meetings and prepares agenda folders and minutes of the meetings. . Evaluates the implementation of the GAD awards and submits a report to the Commission. Soo DISQUALIFICATIONS Automatic disqualification from nomination shall be effected in any of the following circumstances: a. Non-submission of fate submission of the requirements to the Commission GKA Committee Secretariat as mentioned in the procedures for the grant of awards under items V. 5 and V.6 of these guidelines; b. Any misrepresentation of information made in the nomination form and documents submitted; or ©. Any request to the Committee secretaria/members and/or through intermediaries for special favor in consideration of award. REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION Heads of Offices or employees who are dissatisfied with the outcome or resuit of their nominations may file a request for reconsideration to the Commission within five (6) working days after publication/posting of the list of awardees. EFFECTIVITY ‘The Gawad Kawayan Awards Program shall become effective upon its approval by the Commission. ws All policies that are inconsistent with these guidelines are superseded.

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