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Classroom Management Plan

For a Music Classroom (K-12)

Raul Rodriguez

Please note that district procedures and guidelines will be adapted to accordingly.

Basic Procedures
Entering the classroom (K-5)

Music will be playing as students walk into the classroom.

Students will walk to their designated seating area.
Students are to sit in their assigned seat.
The student shall respect the music by listening to it. The learner will formulate thoughts
regarding possible topics they may learn or review today.

Exiting the music room (K-5)

The lesson ends after the review is given.

I pick the quietest row to line up first. This is done until all the rows are lined up. If their
classroom teacher has a specific manner in which they line up it will be implemented.
While in the line, students must be at silence with their hand either in front, to the side, or
behind them.
I will walk the students out of class to their classroom teacher or classroom depending on
the setting.

Passing Out Classroom Instruments (K-5)

If a specific instrument is required for a lesson I will have it out and ready for the
Each instrument is different and has its own proper handling techniques that will be
explained before being passing out instruments.
I will call an individual row to come get a specific instrument. Depending on the activity,
I may choose to give instruments to a single row. If this is the case, everyone will
eventually get a turn.
Everyone will practice the proper handling technique for the particular instrument.
If a student is not using the instrument in the proper manner then it will be taken up for
the remainder of the class period. The student will then have to substitute their hands
(rhythm based) or voice (melodic based) in place of the missing instrument.
Bathroom (K-5)
Depending on bathroom location and class time, I may not issue students to go to the
bathroom. Lenience towards younger age groups is implemented.

If there is proper bathroom location and class time then a child must ask to go to the rest
They will then take the given pass and leave the classroom. They are to return in a timely
manner. If it is evident that excessive time is being taken to go to the rest room then they
shall be denied restroom privileges, this may differ in regards to medical conditions.

Entering the classroom (6-12)

Music will be playing as students walk into the classroom. The music sets the mindset for
some of the piece we will be rehearsing.
Students will place belongings in a designated area and pick up their music folders from
the given location.
After both actions have been completed, the students will find their assigned seat in their
respected section and either listen to the music or look at their sheet music.

Class Flow (6-12)

The class will be divided into the following sections

Warm Ups

Student Center (6-12)

The student center will house useful utensils, extra sheet music, and pertinent student
information (such as event dates and signup sheets)
If a student takes anything from the student center it must be brought back at the end of

Bathroom (6-12)

Students cannot go to the bathroom within the first and last 10 minutes of class.
The student must ask to go the restroom.
A pass is issued to them. They are to return in a timely manner. If it is evident that
excessive time is being taken then they shall be denied restroom privileges, this may
differ in regards to medical conditions.

Exiting the music room (6-12)

The bell does not dismiss you. I dismiss you.

The student is to return the music folder to the proper location. They may take the folder
home to practice but it must be brought back in a timely manner.
They will pick up their belongings and leave the classroom in an orderly fashion.
If they need to discuss something with the instructor, they may do so at this time.

Classroom Rules (All levels)

Be safe
Be polite
Be responsible
Be cooperative
An explanation of the rules will be given the first few days of school and after long holidays.
Depending on the grade level, I may ask students to provide examples of the rules in action. The
following is a brief explanation of the rules.
Be safe is done in part to establish a warm and welcoming learning environment.
Students will not put each other in danger. Anyone who does not feel safe in my classroom needs
to discuss it with me privately.
Be polite entails that students will act in a respectable manner to one another and to the
Be responsible means taking responsibility for your own actions. Having accountability
for assignments and practice schedules. Owning up to any mistakes or misbehaviors is a part of
being a responsible individual.
Being cooperative is the forefront of working together as an ensemble/class. We are all
working towards the same goal and we need to be able to work with each other in order to
achieve that particular goal. Being cooperative also mean following directions the first time they
are given.

Behavioral Procedures
Please note that FBA and IBP will be taken into consideration and properly adapted.
Behavioral Procedures (K-5)
Verbal Warning (A one-time thing)
A verbal warning will be issued to any student misbehaving if they do not correct their behavior
then the following will occur.
Heads Down (For the entire class)
In the event that the majority of class is off task, the students will be instructed to sit down criss
cross and put their elbows on their knees while placing their head in their hands. All students
must remain in silence until instructed to continue the original activity.
Time Out (1st Infraction)

Time out stations will be strategically placed throughout the classroom. While in time out, the
student must place their head on the desk and feet under the table. In this physical state, the
student will reflect on his/her actions and determine what to improve. The better well behaved
the student is the faster he/she will be able to rejoin the class. After a period I will ask the student
if they have pondered their actions and ask them if their ready to rejoin the class.
Time Out (2nd Infraction)
The student continuous to misbehave and does not follow directions. The child will be sent to
time out and a blue slip will be filled out.
Blue Slip (2nd Infraction or higher)
The blue slip will decreases a students grade. It is filled out and given to the classroom teacher
to attach to a take home folder. The slip is then taken and given to the parent(s) of the student.
The blue slip has information regarding the infraction that has taken place as well as how the
student reacted to the situation at hand.
Golden Slips
The golden slip is awarded to students that do an outstanding job in music class. Outstanding
jobs mean that the student exhibits a combination of good behavior and exceptional musicality. A
student must continuously gain three golden slips to be eligible to obtain a prize from the
treasure box. The treasure box is a collection of age appropriate toys and trinkets that any student
may enjoy.
Behavioral Procedures (6-12)
Discussion (Individual)
All infractions will be civilly discussed with the instructor. If a student acts out during class, they
will be removed from the classroom and placed outside my given office, within a visible range.
The student will need to stay after class to discuss the problem at hand. If the student feels that I
am treating them unfairly then they request an additional administrator to mediate between the
student and me.

Classroom Layout
Changes will be made to the physical appearance of the classroom depending on actual
classroom size and resources.
Elementary (Top)
Secondary (Bottom)

Communication Regarding Parents

Parent Communication Policy (All levels)
We work together to better improve your childs future. We both want what is best for the
child. I will always be considerate of the schedule of parents and students if an appointment for a
parent teacher conference is to be held. I also expect that you (the parent) and your child be
considerate of my schedule. Emails and phone calls are available for use at your own discretion.
Please feel free to contact me at (insert school email here) or (insert school designate number
here). As long as we have a consistent flow of communication between each other, we can do
everything we can in order to best fit the needs of your child.

Calling Home (6-12)

If it is evident that a student is doing a remarkable job in music class, I may choose to call the
parents of that said child in order to congratulate them on their current success.
I will call home in the event that a student does not show up for mandatory after school practices
and has not communicated with me a prior absence.

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