Reflection 3

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Reflection #3

The document I chose to reflect is the declaration of secession. This document was about
how the state of South Carolina seceded from the Union because of their unfair treatment and
violation of states rights by the northern states. This specific assignment help me realize how I
can connect past assignments to future ones. The main focus of this document was how the
slaves that ran away to the north were not returned to their owners. Earlier in the semester and
specifically another document I reflected was about a slaves journey to the New World. This
slaves name was Olaudah and he eventually gained his freedom. Olaudah explained to us about
how he was harshly treated on that boat by the white sailors. Now in the 19th century, not much
has changed except maybe the value of a slave. On the trip to the New World many of the slaves
died due to diseases and hunger, at the time of this document white people were willing to go to
great lengths to recover their slaves. Even though they were still seen as property, slaves were
crucial to southerners. By doing this assignment I learned to analyze a lot of information and
condense it to get the important information. This declaratory statement was long and there was a
lot to be said. I had to read the document more than twice to grasp all the information out of it.
Once I did it made it so much easier to interpret the document. It seems that I still need to
provide more references to other readings done in class. This would make my case stronger and
easier for the instructor to understand. However I feel like I did everything I could on this
assignment. Therefore Im not going to change anything or wouldnt want to change anything.
Outside of class I cold find someone who is a good writer and ask them for some pointers on
how to write a good interpretation. Since history and english diverge together this would be a

good idea. This assignment has helped to look back and try to combine like ideas together. This
will help me a lot in math because past chapters and future ones usually go together.

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