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Joelle Dalgleish

Dr. Jamison
Honors 9th Lit
October 20, 2015

The Tempest Paragraph

Miranda and Ferdinand were in love and had just met, but
Prospero said he was going to make it hard for them to be together.
Now, in Act III scene i they are getting married and Prospero still does
not approve. Miranda said I have no ambition/to see a goodlier
man.(I.ii 587-588)She is trying to persuade her father to let them be
together, In Act III Miranda, talking to Ferdinand then asks, Do you
love me? (III.i 80) Ferdinand responds, Do love, prize, honor you.
(III.i 86)I think their relationship has grown stronger since they met.
They are in love, but Prospero still does not approve. Prospero was
working with Ariel to make it hard for Miranda and Ferdinand. Miranda,
when she first laid eyes on Ferdinand said, I ever saw so noble.(I. ii
500) She liked him before she even knew his name. Ferdinand
responded, seeing Miranda for the first time, Most sure, the
goddess/On whom these airs attend! (I.ii 505-506)He likes her back
and they dont even know each other! Miranda grew up on the island
alone and had to do all the work herself. Ferdinand is struggling some
with carrying logs so Miranda says, Ill bear the logs for the while. (III.
I 28) She doesnt realize that women dont do hard labor, but Ferdinand

says, No, precious creature, (III.i 30)because he knows men do all the
hard labor. These two acts show mostly similarities, but have definitely
evolved from one to the next.

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