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Catie Chervenak

Pd. 3/IR
24 September 2015
Annotated Sources #2
Source: PDF
Eime, Rochelle M., Janet A. Young, Jack T. Harvey, Melanie J. Charity, and Warren R. Payne.
"A Systematic Review of the Psychological and Social Benefits of Participation in Sport
for Children and Adolescents: Informing Development of a Conceptual Model of Health
Through Sport." International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition Phys Act International
Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 10.1 (2013): n. pag. Web. 24 Sept.
2015. <>.
This journal article discusses the correlation between health problems and physical activity. This
article discusses how the relationship between sports and physical activity can not only prevent
physical complications like obesity, but also mental and psychological ones a well. This article
is beneficial to my understanding that sports have an effect on adolescent's health past the
physical side.
Source: Article
Pate, Russell R., Stewart G. Trost, Sarah Levin, and Marsha Dowda. "Sports Participation and
Health-Related Behaviors Among US Youth." JAMA Network. N.p., Sept. 2000. Web. 24
Sept. 2015. <>.
This article explains an experiment completed dealing with the relationship of high school
adolescents from the United States and their involvement in physical activity. The writers
compared high school athletics and their relationship between drug use and mental and
psychological issues. The authors found that sports involvement can not only prevent health
issues and drug addiction, but can also add structure and support into adolescent's lives. This
article has taught me that there is more to physical activity than just staying in shape.

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