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Amanda Furno

Professor Harper
September 13, 2015
Disappearing Delmarva Narrative
Marling Farms Community Beach, Kent Island MD
The rate of erosion amounted to a loss of about twelve acres a year. Along shorelines
lacking bulkheads, the loss to erosion remains the same and is a perpetual concern as
development continues (Cronin, 49). Twelve acres lost a year, 204 acres gone in the 17 years I
have spent on the serene island located in the Chesapeake Bay. Not only is this erosion a
perpetual concern it is also a harsh reality for community members as myself who realize the
gradual destruction of the small island we call home. Kent Island is slowly disappearing along
with one of my favorite spots, my community beach, due to the natural weathering process
erosion. The beach is eroding but as a child I enjoyed many activities there spent with my family,
my pets, and relaxing.
The day I finally tackled the silver and pink bicycle my parents had been attempting to
convince me to ride for months the first place I rode to was my neighborhood beach. Trailing
five feet behind my dad, ponytail blowing in the wind I pedaled as hard as my seven year old self
could. Making my way down the dirt path I took in the scene that lay before my wild and excited
eyes, a small beach surrounded in local greenery, thriving with native wildlife that would one
day hold a great amount of memories. I grabbed my fathers hand, dragging him to the old
wooden swing set Push me, push me! I squealed with excitement. With my father pushing me
higher and higher in the wind on the beautiful summer day, I got the perfect view of the
Chesapeake Bay in front of me. To this day I go back to that childhood swing set around sunset
and take in the breathtaking sight of the gentle and mystical brackish bay. The beach is a place
that I always will connect with my father, not only did we take weekly bike rides we shared

Amanda Furno
Professor Harper
September 13, 2015
Disappearing Delmarva Narrative
many laughs, smiles, and wonderful conversations together. Whether we were kayaking, paddle
boarding, or fishing my father and I always had conversations flowing between us mixing with
the peaceful sound of small waves crashing over the rocks. The beach is not only a piece of my
community but also a small piece of my family and the time we spent together.
Some do not consider their pets family but every dog I have had is family to me. It is
never a walk unless I take the dogs to stop at the beach. The minute Bosco and Max turned the
corner to the beach they were ready to run. Letting the leashes slip through my hands the two
dogs tails wagging, ears flying back bolted to the edge of the water as if they were running for
the first time. Chasing my dogs through the sand, playing fetch, and letting them run freely
always made me smile. Bosco and Max have passed now but my one year old Chesapeake Bay
retriever, Tucker, loves the beach even more than I do. Tucker swims at the beach with my
family and I for hours chasing birds, and his favorite orange toy duck. I taste the saltwater on my
lips and the smack of water on my face as tucker splashes like a small child in the shallow water.
The beach holds many memories of my dogs that have passed and will continue to be a place to
make memories with Tucker.
Feet dangling over the pier, staring out to where the water meets the horizon no matter
what is going on in life time seems to slow down and any problems start to fade away. While the
beach holds many memories for me it also is a place of relaxation and reflection. I can spend
hours letting my fingers dip into the salty water and the sun warming my skin, allowing my
thoughts take over. Occasionally with sand between my toes and birds chirping in the distance I
do yoga as the sun sinks giving its last farewell of the day. The mesmerizing sight of the bay and

Amanda Furno
Professor Harper
September 13, 2015
Disappearing Delmarva Narrative
reminder of home seem to remind me that I can always find peace and happiness at the small
beach that is slowly eroding away.
The beach has recognizably changed over the years and is no longer what it once was.
The edge of the land is visibly eroding, the rocks are breaking off, and there is less and less sand
every summer. The grass, the trees, and the pier are no longer maintained and no awareness is
being taken for the erosion that is occurring to the land. Eventually my favorite beach will be
gone but the memories and happiness it holds will always stay with me. To me this hidden bit of
land is more than just a community beach, like a treasure chest it is full of tokens of my
childhood and the island I am lucky enough to call home.

Works Cited
Cronin, William. The Disappearing Islands of the Chesapeake. January 2005. Npr. 13
September 2015.

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