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Mental Floss Reading Questions

Chapter Five: The Not-Really-That-Dark Ages (pgs: 127-154)

1. Who was Muhammad and why is he important?
Born in 570 CE, Muhammad was orphaned as a child
~ Raised by uncle, later became a trader and merchant
~ Married widow and at forty, began Islam, a new religion
~ Didnt start well in hometown Mecca, increased in popularity by rich and poor
~ By death in 632 CE, the Arabian Peninsula was conquered by Islamic warriors
2. How did Islam begin?
Started by Muhammad in hometown Mecca
~ Didnt begin well, then increased in popularity
~ Both rich and poor supported it, but mostly poor
~Around death in 632 CE, the Arabian Peninsula was conquered by Islamic warriors
3. Who was Charles Martel or Charles the Hammer?
~ Was the leader of a Frankish army, ruler of current northern France
~ Had no official title, taught army to fight in square formation from uphill areas
~ AbdarRahman was killed by Charles army, Arabs lost, halted Muslim movement in Europe
~ After battle, people called Charles by the two names listed above
4. What is the origin of the firecracker?
Often, confused with the invention of gunpowder
~ In third century, Chinese roasted bamboo
~ In tenth century, sulfur, salt, and charcoal were used in kitchens for cooking
~ Idea of covering bamboo with this power was said to have been created by monk, Li Tian
5. What was happening in The Roman Empire during this time period?
~ Roman Empire was pretty much only the western half of old version, fell apart
~ No main government, urban population decreased, road/transportation system ceased
~ With that, trade of exports and ideas were gone, (only good thing: wood tools metal tools)
~ Charlemagne held empire together halfway through eighth century
6. What is important about the Tang Dynasty? The Silk Road?
~ Tang Dynasty created a more peaceful China, canals were created
~ Roads including The Silk Road were reestablished, caused silk, porcelain, and spice trade to rise
~ Tea was introduced, military and health standards increased, much of what China is today
7. What was the Byzantine Empires role in the not so dark era?
~ To try to preserve the Roman Empire and the fierce reputation it recieved over time
~ Did fairly well, farmers were solders, kept taxes low, managing to fight of Persians
~ For a few hundred years, the Byzantine Empire continued to hang on
8. Who was Charlemagne and why is he important?
Roman leader during end of empires long reign,
~ Crowned Holy Roman emperor in 800 for not backing down versus Germanic barbarians

9. Discuss the importance of medieval monasteries.

~ Single providers of education, also provided healthcare and encouraged agricultural innovation
~ Created new farming methods, essentially started trend of missionaries spreading Christianity
10. Highlight some important aspects of the Viking society. How were Viking women treated?
Lived from eighth to eleventh centuries in Scandanavian countries
~ Farm in spring, early fall, rob with violence in summer, late fall, hang out in winter
~ Fought naked but with a murderous kind of ferociousness
~ Viking women had greater status and rights than men
11. What happened to the Mayan civilization? Be specific
~ Was at peak of population in 750, about thirteen million
~ Topic is debated but was said to be defeated by agricultural exhaustion
~ No more planting soil, peasantled riots, overpopulation, earthquakes
~ More problems included epidemics, malnutrition, drought caused by climate
~ Spanish raiders ended civilization completely in fifteenth century
12. Who is Justinian I and why is he remembered?
~ Born as peasant in Illyria, uncle was commander, Byzantine emperor
~ Justinian I took over in 527, by 534, Roman law was revised entirely
~ Justinian was known for attempting to recreate the old Roman Empire
~ Plan failed because of the Plague of Justinian which killed around twentyfive million
13. What is the Althing in Iceland? Why and how did it come about? Importance?
~ An authority group for the Norwegian immigrants, who were beginning to crowd Iceland
~ Rivalries and disputes were happening so the
create rules and made decisions
~ Lasted from 1262 to about 1800, continued in 1844, first representative example of government
~ Known as the worlds longest lasting legislative body
14. Who is Tuan Ch'engShih?
~ Was a folktale collector and Chinese author
~ Was known for creating the earliest version of Cinderella (YehShen)
15. What is Greek Fire?
~ A weapon created by Kallinikos, a Greek engineer
~ The liquid was used especially in naval battles, shot at enemies ships
~ They would ignite even after hitting the water, were hard to extinguish
16. What role did pretzels play in history?
~ When Turks invaded, pretzels saved the city of Vienna, bakers heard digging and stopped attack
~ Symbols of good luck and long life in many pieces of literature and art
~ Were rewarded by monkbaker to children who learned prayers (begging arms crossing breast)
17. What is feudalism? Why was it significant?
~ System of government in European Middle Ages
~ Power pyramid which involved those including monarchs, nobles, knights, peasants, and serfs
~ Agricultural methods improved, was important because it gave way to modernday capitalism

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