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Lesson Plan: PDHPE- Active Lifestyle with ICT

Class: Stage 2, year 4

Date: 6th August

(24 Students)

Time: Start: ______10:30am____________

Finish: _______11:30am___________

Key Learning Area:

Lesson Topic:

PDHPE- Active Lifestyle

Tracking your progress: how regular activity is linked to your health

Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):
This series of lessons is at the beginning of the stage 2 unit of Active Lifestyle, prior to starting this unit students would have completed ALS1.6. In the previous
unit students would have explored physical activities in class and discovered how exercise can be both enjoyable and important for health. Throughout the unit
students would have been educated about physical adaptations that occur during exercise and discussed at length how sleep, nutrition and activity help
compound a balanced lifestyle. This series of lessons would be taught in conjunction with a physical lesson each week where the students could participate in
exercise and document their own progress.
In the previous lesson students engaged in variety of physical activities to explore the types of exercise they could do daily. This is the second lesson in a
series of 5 on Active Lifestyle.
Syllabus Outcome(s):
One or two only. Please note the syllabus
reference number AND write out in full.

Indicators of Learning for this lesson:

Behaviours that contribute toward achievement of outcome(s).
Quote syllabus numbers. Must be clear, specific, observable.
Curriculum Content Strands may be used as headings.

Strategies which will be used to assess
learners attainment of learning outcomes.
Should be linked to each learning indicator.

By the end of this lesson, the students will:

- ALS2.6: Discusses the relationship
between regular physical activity and

- Participates in regular physical activity and discusses


(BOS, 2007)

-keeps a log of activity using a spreadsheet and analyses

patterns of participation over time
-Understand the importance of regular activity and diet to
individual wellbeing

- Did all group members participate?
- Did the presentation:
Cover necessary ideas
Have a positive perspective
Include research in the topic
Was creative & original
Use marking criteria for each group


Any safety issues to be considered:

- Being mindful of emotional wellbeing
as this might be a sensitive topic for
students have a quiet corner where
students can go and have a time out if
they need it

List resources you used in preparing the lesson AND those used in the lesson implementation.

Computers or ipads
Classroom projector connected to laptop or smart board
Role Cards (as described in lesson)

Lesson Content / Indicators of Learning
(What is Taught):
Note key skills, concepts and values
addressed in each section. Link to your
Indicators of Learning.


Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences:

(How it is taught)
Write detailed steps showing what the teacher (T) will do and
what students (Ss) will do.

2 mins

T facilitates discussion about the importance of physical

activity and how we can incorporate it into our everyday lives.

Reflecting on activity logs

Compiling the log from their assigned

homework, collaborating data and group



Ss are then to use the activity logs which they have compiled
throughout the week and make a spreadsheet as a class.
Compiling the number of minutes of exercise they completed
each day for 7 days. Whilst each student comes and adds
their minutes T should encourage discussion about the task by
asking probe questions such as:
- What exercise did you do?
- Do you normally do it or did you start for the
- Did you have fun?
- How did you feel after you did the exercise?
- Did you feel different on the days you did and didnt
Ss then to tally up a weekly average ad daily average. In small

Resources and Organisation:

Exercise logs from previous lesson

Computer, or smartboard to create
the excel log at the front

groups of 3 or 4 ask students to discuss our results and if they
were similar to their own or different.

Presentation of established initiatives to
help children understand the factors of a
healthy lifestyle and how to get active


As a class watch the first 1.55 minutes of the following video:
(kisgov, 2015)
T to showcase to the class how many campaigns and
advertisements that are created that target children to

On smartboard

T shows the students the following link which is the most

recent report of childrens activity levels nationally from 2014



T demonstrate to students how to use the page which

has already been started with resources, videos and statistics
on the topic. T confirms understanding with students and
provides the web link.


In their groups students are to create their own online ad,

video, poster etc to highlight the link between exercise and
health, the video needs to demonstrate the importance of
exercise and diet and a creative way to engage students in the
class to get active. These will then be shared on the class page.

Created Active Lifestyle campaigns in

groups of 4.
In groups roll allocations will take place so that each student
has a job
- Director: Leading the group making sure they use time
efficiently and helping to facilitate group discussion on
the task at hand
- Scribe : Writing down any important points and helping
develop a group focus and a plan for the campaign

Role cards


Editor: Compiles the finished product helps to compile

the research and idea
- Researcher: Find facts, stats and points to address in
the campaign
T should be roaming around observing group work and
progression throughout the completion of the task
Presentation/ Test of objectives


Once completed all groups must share their campaign on the

class page and then present them to the class with 2
minutes each

10 mins

Allowing a short time for Ss to ask questions about each

others presentation or directed to the T about the topic.

T uses assessment sheets per


Summary of main points and final questions

In closing the T should summarise the main points from the

- The link between exercise and health
- Personally reflecting on their own amount of exercise
that week compared to the class average and how
they could alter it for better health
- How they could use our page and continue
adding information about health and exercise as we
move into our next outcome on the topic.

Showing how the ICT used in this

class can be carried forward to the
next lesson. Continued learning with
the resource.

Assessment Criteria:
Portray positive message

Extensive understanding

Good understanding of

Sound understanding of

Poor understanding of

about the importance of a

and resources showing

an active lifestyle with

active lifestyle with limited

what an active lifestyles is

healthy lifestyle

the importance of an

basic knowledge on how resources of hoe to attain

active lifestyle and how to

to attain it

attain it


and how to achieve it


Group members all

All members completed

All members completed

All group members

Lack of group

participate in the creation

their role to a high

roles to limited ability but

contributed to discussion

participation and

of a campaign idea and

standard and contributed

contributed well to group

but some completed

completing their allocated

completed their assigned

to group discussion


others roles


Present their ideas in a

All members played a

Presentation shows good

Ideas presented but were

Ideas were limited and

clear, logical and

role in the presentation of

development but not all

not very creative or

incoherent and not

engaging way

ideas that were unique

group members



and effective



Board of Studies. (2007). Personal Development, Health and Physical Education K-6 Syllabus. Board of
Kidsgov (April 16, 2015). Why Kids Should Eat Healthy and Exercise. Retrieved August 22, 2015, from Org. (2015). program development.
References for site:
Active Healthy Kids Organisation (May 21, 2015). Australian Report Card on physical activity for Children & Young people .
Retrieved August 21, 2015, from
Australian Government Department of Health & Ageing (2004). Healthy and Active School Communities, A Resource Kit for
Schools. Retrieved August 20, 2015, from


Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2012). Overweight & Obesity. Retrieved 11 August, 2015, from
NSW Ministry of Health (2015). Healthy Kids: Eat well, get Active . Retrieved August 20, 2015, from

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