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Scoring Rubrics for Productoriented Performance-based


What is Scoring Rubrics?

are descriptive scoring schemes that are

developed by teachers or other evaluators to
guide the analysis of the products or process
of students efforts (Brookhart, 1995).

Three Categories of Rubrics

1. Checklist
2. Rating scales
3. Holistic scoring

hecklist contain lists of behaviors, traits

r characteristics that can be scored as
ther present or absent.

Rating scales are typically used

for those
aspects of a complex performance
that do not lend themselves to
yes/no or present/
Absent type judgements.

Holistic scoring is used when

the rater is more interested in
estimating the overall quality of
the performance and assigning a
numerical value to that quality
than assigning points for the
addition or omission of a specific
aspect of performance.

Understanding the problem


No attempt
Completely misinterprets the problem
Misinterprets major part of the problem
Misinterprets minor part of the problem
Complete understanding of the problem

Solving the problem


No attempt
Total inappropriate plan
Partially correct procedure but with major fault
Substantially correct procedure with major omission or procedural error
A plan that could lead to a correct solution with no arithmetic errors

Answering the problem label

0- No answer or wrong answer based upon an inappropriate plan
1- Copying error, computational error, partial answer for problem with multiple answers, no answer
statement, answer
labeled incorrectly.
2- Correct solution


Steps in developing a scoring rubric:
1. Identify qualities for the highest score
2. Select analytic or holistic scoring
3. If analytic, develop scoring schemes for each
4. Define criteria for lowest level
5. Contrast lowest and highest to develop
middle level
6. Contract other levels for finer distinctions

hank you for listening!

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