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The Copyright Act aims to balance the rights of the creator, or copyright
owner, to manage and protect their own works with the needs and the rights
of the public to use these works. [1]
2. Moral right in Australia were introduced in December 2000 and give the
publisher three rights to their published work, they are;
The right of attribution of authorship;
The right not to have authorship of their work falsely attributed; and
The right of integrity of authorship. This protects creators from their work
being used in a derogatory way that may negatively impact on their
character or reputation.[2]
3. Moral rights are rights provided to creators under copyright law in order to
protect both their reputation and the integrity of their work. [2] Copyright
refers to the exclusive rights given to a creator to publish, print, perform or
copy their own original work. [1] The difference is that copyright encompasses
all of the publishing and printing forms of media, while moral rights are the
set of 3 rights that you receive through the copyright act.
FAIR DEALING: Under the sub-heading of Fair Dealing, work that is copied
and given reference is not infringed if the purpose is for;
Parody or satire
Reporting news; or
A judicial proceeding or report of a judicial proceeding
PRIVATE USE: The copyright Act also allows the limited reproduction of some
copyright material or personal use, so long as you own a legal copy of the
work being reproduced. Personal use covers:

time shifting of TV and radio broadcasts, i.e. recording a TV program to

watch later at a more convenient time;

space shifting of sound recordings, i.e. copying a CD that you own to your
own iPod or mp3 player;

Format shifting of certain types of material, i.e. printing out an e-book that
you own. [1]
5. Intellectual property rights are legal rights to control other people's use of
things embodying ideas and creative output. [3] This means that the user has
to gain permission from the creator to use the product.

6. The difference between the three types of operating system are;




Easy to use, clean, more
customisation, allows the
change of screens and
Clean, nice looking,
allows for fast action(if
good working parts),
user interface from
mouse and keyboard
Step by step process,
takes you through it
Home, Workstation or
gaming computers that
are for consumers

Built to interact with
other users,

Pre-installed on the
phone, shouldnt need
to be changed
For all people, not
specified to a class

Complicated with more

steps and programs
Used to run a large
network of computers
in a business or in a
high data area
One admin that
controls what the other
user that join can do

Can be confusing,
more complicated than
a desktop OS, more

Restricted to one user

that is on the
phone(although email
accounts can be
7. The key function of an operating system is to allow the hardware of the
devise to talk to the other parts of the computer and the OS. An operating
system is a group of computer programs that coordinates all the activities
among computer hardware devices. It is the first program loaded into the
computer by a boot program and remains in memory at all times. [4]
8. Windows 7:
Compared to older operating systems from windows, Windows 7 fixes the old
feel of windows vista and XP and changes it to something more easy to use.
Windows 7 hopes to fix;
The boot up times of previous generations (e.g. Vista and XP)
Performance requiring more from modern hardware and allowing a faster
and smoother experience
Windows 7 is built to run on multiple cores allowing for better use of the
modern hardware and overall performance


Can have multiple but

only on the same

Touch orientated,
clean, sharp, allows for
customisation(no major
OS files)
Clean, can be slow if
background files are

Windows 7 was an outstanding performer over windows XP and Vista,

allowing for more use of the latest hardware and the use of the more CPU
core. Although Windows Vista could follow Windows 7 with close performance,
Win 7 was still a better performer than Vista, allowing for faster boot time,
better interface, more tweaks to the OS and a better experience to the user.
9. Imagine a product as the human body, the bones represent the code which
give it structure. The organs represent the UX design: measuring and
optimizing against input for supporting life functions. And UI design
represents the cosmetics of the bodyits presentation, its senses and
reactions.[5] In other words User Experience is the way that the interface runs
and the core behind it, while the User Interface is the way that the interface is

shown, the look and feel and allows for the interface between the user and
the OS.
Ubuntu is a Linux program allowing for low spec machines allowing for
interface at the cost of performance and ability of some applications and
Windows 7 is an investment in the OS market, this will cost you some
money for the more performance, and the interface with more programs
and applications.
10.A user to manage system resources needs to go to start, computer, c:// drive,
then Windows, then resources. Here are all the resource that Windows uses
and can be changed but it is advised that you dont change them as they
might corrupt your system.
11.To find the minimum hardware specs of any piece of hardware or program,
you can just go to the manufacturers website and look for the version you
want to install. Here it should have a list of what the minimum specs are for
their program to run.

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