Essay Academic Writing Belum Beres

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Hana Ismi Radliyatin

Academic Writing
Hijab and Job Demands
Hijab or veil is hallmark of a Muslim. In Islam, Allah has set a fashion
femininity through some of his words in the Qur'an, it certainly has a purpose and
a great benefit to the women themselves, for men around him and certainly for
development generation of a nation. Therefore, it is both self-awareness and
beautifulness when wearing the veil there was without coercion or instruction
from any party, because the women themselves really understand the essential
reason why she should wear a veil. Veiling is not just to follow the trend that is
being sold is loved, or the influence of friends, or due to the policy of the
employer. However, because they are veiled Islamic guidance has always been a
mercy to all the worlds.
Thus many verses Allah commanded women to clothe her dress, all aimed
in order to maintain and protect women from contempt as happened in the current
liberal era. In addition, the rules of hijab is proof that Islam strictly prohibits the
exploitation of body beauty that God has bestowed on the inside of every woman.
Here are some verses of Allah that requires a woman to veil.
Arifin, Zaenal.2015. Wahai Wanita, Muliakan Dirimu dengan Berhijab.
Accessed on October 21th, 2015 available at
Taufiqurrohman.2015.SPG Rokok Tampil Syariah di Muktamar NU. Accessed on
October 21th, 2015 available at

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