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April 15, 2015
Board Members in Attendance
Mr. Lynn Laird, Chairman, Mr. Jacob Gilmore, Vice Chairman; Mr. Steve Jones, Secretary;
Mr. Austin Courson, member.
Ms. Barbara Albrecht, Guest and Director of Panhandle Watershed Alliance; Mr. Eddie
Cooper, Division Manager, County NRC; Mrs. Debbie Williams, County NRC.
Call to Order
Mr. Lynn Laird called the meeting to order at 8:00am.
Guests were introduced.
Those present stated the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag in unison.
Mr. Eddie Cooper gave the invocation.
Minutes of the Last Meeting
Mr. Jacob Gilmore made a motion to accept the February 2015 Board minutes.
Mr. Austin Courson seconded the motion. Motion carried unopposed.
Acknowledgement of Public Notice
The meeting advertisement was noted.
Treasurer's Report
Mrs. Anne Bennett was absent, Treasurers report deferred to Mays Board meeting.
Public Forum
Ms. Barbara Albrecht, Director of the Panhandle Watershed gave an update on the
Stormwater Assessment Team (SWAT).
Discussion was held on the project at Davis and Bayou Boulevard.
Mr. Joshua McElhaney was unable to attend. Program measures attached.
Old Business
Mr. Laird will contact the Stormwater Assessment Team (SWAT) regarding further updates
and appointments to their group.
New Business
Discussion was held regarding Leon Countys Resolution on the statewide ban of fracturing
in Florida. Board members will research the issue more and discuss at the next Board
meeting in May. Mr. Courson will also draft a preliminary resolution for the Board to
review at the May meeting.
With no further business coming before the Board, Mr. Jacob made a motion to adjourn. Mr.
Courson seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:47.
Mr. Steve Jones, Secretary

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