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World History - Semester I Binder Requirements

(Assigned: 10.16.15 --- Entire Binder Due: 1.5.16)

The requirements for the binder project are as follows. Failure to follow these directions
will result in a loss of credit for the project.
Each assignment must be handwritten in blue or black pen
Each assignment must include your name and date on the upper right hand corner.
Each assignment must include a rough draft (hand-written copy) to accommodate the
final copy. This must also have corrections made to it by someone else (English
teacher, adult, etc.) and be accompanied by their signature on the top of the draft
Proper grammar, spelling and sentence structure are a must!
Who, What, Where, When, Why and How are six things you should always ask
yourself when addressing each portion of the binder.
Cite all sources! At the end of each section you must include a sheet with your sources
cited for that specific assignment.
1) Table of Contents: Be sure to have a neat and organized table of contents. You
will create your own chapters. Chapter cover pages and tabs are suggested for
the best grade. If you cannot afford these, be creative and design your own!
2) Neatness: You will be graded on the overall appearance of your binder as well as
the content. Try to put your information into a nice binder. Take pride in your
work. (e.g. page dividers, tabs and other things you may find will help this grade)
3) The Roman World 1000 B.C. 476 A.D.: Rome experienced many changes
during this era. In this 2 page paper, discuss and tell the story with emphasis on
the Founding of Rome, Early Roman Republic & growth, Challenges to
expansion, Caesar, Roman Empires rise and what led to their decline.
4) Country from a Global Current Event: Select a country from the list below.
China, India, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Pakistan or Iraq. You will research the country
and provide key information related to their history, predominant religion, type of
government, economy, currency, climate, key attractions, import/export,
entertainment, sports, etc. (make sure to mention neighboring countries, oceans,
etc.). Present your findings in a 2.5 page paper.
5) Expansions and Recessions, 300 1500 AD: 2.5 page paper. What is an empire
and why did the first empires decline and how did new empires rise to take their
place? For this portion of the binder you will examine that question by explaining
who & why the Han, Roman and Gupta Empires were declining. Provide a brief
but solid amount of information to address this question. Focus on the rise of the
Muslim and Mongol Empires. What were their origins, society, economy,
government, etc. What eventually led to their decline as well? Hint: Look at TCI
pages 51-62

By 11.6.15 you must have a binder with section #1 and #5 completed

Groups are allowed, no more than 3 per group. Once you have signed up for a
group, you are stuck togetherchoose wisely, 20% of your grade depends on it

World History - Semester I Binder Requirements

(Assigned: 10.16.15 --- Entire Binder Due: 1.5.16)
6) Feudalism and the Decline: 2 page paper. How did events in Europe contribute
to the decline of feudalism and the rise of the democratic thought? Begin by
explaining what feudalism is. Next, your paper will focus on the 3 reasons why
feudalism began to decline in Europe between the 12th 15th centuries. Hint:
Look at TCI pages 67-73
7) Create a Test: Using at least two questions from each section, you will create a
20 question multiple question test for the West African society of Ghana (must
label the sections)
You must include an ANSER KEY. Answers will be written beneath each
question. Answers must be highlighted. Hint: Look at TCI pages 91-99
8) The Byzantine Empire: 2 page paper that tells how the Byzantine Empire
developed and formed its own distinctive church. Your paper should give equal
attention to the empires capital of Constantinople, Justinian I the great emperor,
and a detailed account of the Eastern Orthodox Church (its role in the empire, the
hierarchy, architecture/art, etc.) Next explain the conflict between East and West,
what happened and what was the end result? Hint: Look at TCI pages 75-81
9) Political Development of Imperial China: 1.5 page paper. Chinese history is
divided into periods ruled by dynasties/ ruling families. Explain the various
political developments of China, the different ways people were chosen to
administer government. Summarize your findings by explaining how the different
approaches to government affected China and which method was most successful
and why? Hint: Look at TCI pages 83-89
10) Who was the Greatest? 2.5 page paper. Spend time discussing the 5-Ws for
the Mayas, Aztecs and Incas. Focus on the significant achievements each
achieved in the three categories of 1) science/technology, 2) arts/architecture, 3)
language/writing. Next, you will decide which was the greatest and why? Make
sure to support your statement with evidence. Hint: Look at TCI pages 101-107
I encourage you to show me your binders periodically to ensure that you are on the right track with this project. Make
sure to follow the directions, ask questions and take this project seriously. This project is 20% of your grade
**NOTE**Please be aware that plagiarism is unacceptable and will result in the failure for the quarter. You need to properly cite
all sources. Cutting and pasting of any kind is not permitted (plagiarism). Write your own papers and take pride in your work.
You must fully complete all of the listed requirements for this project to earn full credit.

By 11.6.15 you must have a binder with section #1 and #5 completed

Groups are allowed, no more than 3 per group. Once you have signed up for a
group, you are stuck togetherchoose wisely, 20% of your grade depends on it

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