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Just another ordinary day

Ivica Kopalija
Hi, i'm Ivica. I go in two secondary schools. I go to high school and secondary music school in
Novi Travnik. And I'm in two extracurricular activities in the band and wind Orchestra.
My a normal day starts with an alarm that rings at half past six. Every time I get up fifteen
minutes after the alarm, rarely, when I get up immediately. After I get up I go to the bathroom
to brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I prepare books for school, while preparing books
my dad was preparing himself and me a Cup of tea. At bus station I am going at half past
seven. To the bus station I need about fifteen minutes, depending on the weather. Bus comes
ten to seves. With him I go to school.Seven and ten starts the first hour in the gymnasium,
and the last ends in thirteen and five. After the gymnazium starts the music school. In the
music school I have Music theory, then harmony, two hours choir and one hour clarinet.
Sometimes I have less time, but mostly I end fifteen to seventeen. Then I immediately go on
the bus to come to the bend rehearsal. Bend rehearsal takes about one hour to one and a half
hour. After rehearsal I go home to study, practice piano and clarinet. And after such a hard
day finally can rest that is going to sleep.

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