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To Build or Not to Build

That is The Question

The White
House rejects
the pipeline

approves the

The Courts
aprove the

The State
Department is

Trans Canada
approves the

The People of
Canada and
America have
no say

It is very clear after assessing the above diagram that The American
White House has far to much power and authority over its citizens. The
White House is supposed to serve the people but instead is holding them
back by being the only of all of the involved powers to decline the pipeline
and since they are on the top of the Hierarchy what they say goes. This
means that even though the pipeline is wanted by everybody it is not going
to become a reality unless the minds of the few in charge of making
decisions in the White House are swayed.
The people of Canada and America have been living in a recession for
15 years and really need this to help pull them back out but since they have
no say in the fact they must have their decisions made for them by the all
powerful White House.

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