Rochester College Lesson Plan Template

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Rochester College

Lesson Plan Template


Lesson Title

Teacher Candidate Name


Understanding and Illustrating - A Butterflys Life

Kylee Wright-Alexander


Lesson Summary
The students will read along to a text/book in class. We will then talk about it to understand key details of what happened and what it
was about. The students will then illustrate a picture that would go along with what was read.

Subject Area
ELA-Reading Standards for Informational Texts

Grade Level
1st Grade

Higher Order Thinking Skills (Revised Blooms)

*Remembering-Recalling information
*Understand- Explaining ideas or concepts
*Analyzing- Breaking information into parts to explore understandings and relationships
*Evaluating- Justifying a decision or course of action

Approximate Time Needed for Lesson

40 minutes

Common Core Standards and/or State of Michigan GLCEs and/or HSCEs

Reading Standards for informational texts1.Ask and answer questions for key details in a text
2.Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.

Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson the students will be able to distinguish key details and recall what was discussed. They will be able to
identify the topic of the text and be able to tell others what the details were. They will be able to answer questions pertaining to the
informational text. This will give them the basis of identifying main details for all further reading. this lesson will teach students the
life cycle of a butterfly.

Curriculum-Framing Questions
Essential Question

How do you read for key details?

How do you pick out key details from informational texts?

Unit Questions

What in this reading stands out as a key detail?

Content Questions

Why is it important to look for key details and be able to retell them?
How do caterpillars turn to butterflies?

Assessment Summary

The students success will will be measured with a formal/informal worksheet. The worksheet will contain questions for them to
answer. The first section is for them to do individually, and it closes with a class discussion question.This will allow me to see if they
really comprehended what they read, or if we need to work on picking out the key details and work more on recalling/ retelling key
details of informational texts.

Lesson Timeline

Start of the Lesson

Mid-Lesson Activities

End of Lesson Activities

* KWL (Know, Wonder, Learn) chart.

*Individual worksheets

*Pictures of butterflies

* Read A Butterflys Life reading passage

*Class discussion questions

*Butterfly color sheet with attached fact

*KWL chart

Prerequisite Skills
The ability to read at first grade level.

Instructional Procedures
Class will be started with a discussion about butterflies as a class. We will fill the chart out together. I will read the passage aloud to
the class and have them follow along with it on their printed sheet. I will have the students flip over their informational texts and
answer the key detail questions that are on the sheet. The questions and possible answers will be read to them, but they must
answer themselves without collaboration. This will tell if they can actually identify the key details. I will then lead them in the class
discussion question. We will finish the KWL individually, and then everything will be collected. The students will then look at pictures
of butterflies, and decorate their own to finish up the lesson.

Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction

Special Needs Student

Gifted/Talented Student

A classroom helper/teachers assistant could orally read the quiz to the child if they struggle
with reading. A special quiet room/area could be provided for the students who need
complete silence to focus.
A higher level reading can be provided for these students covering the same information, but
slightly more challenging.

Technology Hardware (Check off all equipment needed)


Laser Disk


Computer (s)


Video Camera

Digital Camera

Projection System

Video Conferencing Equipment

DVD Player


Interactive Responders

Internet Connection


Other - Click here to enter text.

Technology Software (Check off all software needed)


Image Processing

Web Page Development

Desktop Publishing

Internet Web Browser

Word Processing

E-mail Software


Smart notebook software

Encyclopedia on CD-ROM

Other - Click here to enter text.

*KWL Chart
*A Butterflys Life reading passage

Printed Materials
*Butterfly outline
*Butterfly images
*Printed materials


*Crayons/colored pencils/markers/paint

Internet Resources


Other Resources


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