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The Fan Sponsored Web

What is Adeyoh?

Adeyoh is a fan sponsored

web publishing platform
How does it work?

Fan sponsored means that instead of

advertisers, the fans purchase
micro sponsorships for the web content
they believe in

A lot of the web content we enjoy doesn’t attract

advertisers, and we prefer to enjoy it for free on
the web

But this makes it difficult for artists, photographers,

documentarians, many bloggers, comedians,
journalists, and many other web media producers
to make money doing what we love them for
So, how does it work?

You submit a link to your web content to be

voted for, sponsored, and shared
Vote for, sponsor, and share your favorite links,
and when someone sponsors a link you’ve
shared with them, you receive a commission

Yeah, if you share a link to a piece of cool web

content, and someone sponsors it, you receive a
commission in your PayPal account

It’s actually a four tier affiliate model, where if A

shares with B, and B with C, C with D, D with E,
A will receive a commission for B through E’s

With this model, we can support our favorite web

content, keep it ad free, and
earn money doing so

And we believe this will give you media producers a

new hope when creating great content that spreads,
and a new excitement to those of you who
contribute to the spreading of it
The Vote

The links with the highest vote get to the front

page of the community they were published in,
or on the home page of
The Most Sponsored

The links with the most sponsors each month,

within each of our 27 Adeyoh communities, get
a spot at our yearly Adeyoh Expo to perform,
discuss, or display their work
Getting Started

Explore the communities

Have a look around your control panel

There are many more cool features to enjoy!

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