Sample MC Script For Closing Ceremony English Month 2011

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MC Script for Closing Ceremony English Month 2011

(15th July 2011)

A. Pupils and teachers take their seats
Good morning ladies and gentlemen, the ceremony would be starting
shortly, please take your seats in a hurry.
Excellency Mr. Hashim b. Jokie, the headmaster of SK Camporan Daro,
Honorable Mdm. Maryana bte Mohiddin, the senior assistant of curriculum,
Mdm. Salbiah bte Abang, the senior assistant of student affair,
Mr. Ghazali b. Hussin, the senior assistant of co-curriculum,
Respectable all teachers, Dear pupils, ladies and gentlemen,
Assalamualaikum War. Wab
And a very good morning to all.
B. National anthem Negaraku
Ladies and Gentleman, we are here today for the closing ceremony of SK
Camporan English Language Month 2011.
Before we proceed further this morning, I would like to invite the fellow
teachers and pupils to stand up straight for the singing of our National
Anthem NegaraKu
Thank you very much. Teachers and pupils maybe seated.

C. Prayer
Ladies and Gentlemen,
So as to pray for blessings for this mornings gathering, I would like to
invite _____________________________ for the recital of Doa.
Thank you __________________________ .

D. Speech from Headmaster

Every journey has its end and every path does stop somewhere. And now, we
have come to the end of that journey. However, this only marks the end of
the English month, not the knowledge and practice in using the language
which should be carried on and enhanced further.
Let us now continue with the official Closing Speech by our Headmaster,
Mr. Hashim B. Jokie. I would like to welcome Mr. Hashim to the stage to
deliver his speech.
Thank you Mr. Hashim for the speech.
E. Speech from Organizing chairperson
It is now my pleasure to call upon our Organizing chairperson Mdm Adzilah
bte Ossen, up on stage to deliver her speech.
Thank you Mdm Adzilah for the speech.
F. Closing ceremony
Now we have come to the Official Closing Ceremony of the English Month
2011. With this, I would like to invite Mdm Adzilah, Organizing chairperson
to accompany Mr. Hashim B. Jokie, our school Headmaster and Mdm
Salbiah Abang, the senior assistant of student affair, for the closing of the SK
Camporan English Month 2011
*** To officially mark the closing of 2011 English Month, Mr. Hashim and
Mdm Salbiah will now open a party popper. With this, the English Month
2011 is now officially closed.
Thank you Mr Hashim, Mdm Salbiah and Mdm Adzilah once again for the
official closure of our English Month Programme 2011.

F. Prize presentation
This years English Month Programme has been organized by the English
Language Department. During the English Month, we have had two fun and
entertaining activities where we have heard storytelling and children songs
sang by our students.
Now is the time for giving appreciation to all participants who had work
very hard in the competition.
We would now invite Mdm Maryana bte Mohiddin, our senior assistant of
curriculum to give away prize to our winners.
Please welcome.
For the singing contest Level 1, the 2 nd runner up goes to adik _________
from Rumah ___________________. Adik _________________ gained/ got
______________ marks.
And the 1st runner up goes to adik ____________________ from Rumah
______________ marks.
And the winner is adik _______________________ from Rumah
______________ marks.
Thank you Mdm Maryana. I would now invite our Headmaster, Mr. Hashim
B. Jokie to come on stage to present the prize for the winner of storytelling
The 2nd runner up of storytelling contest goes to adik _________ from
Rumah ___________________. Adik _________________ gained/ got
______________ marks.
And the 1st runner up goes to adik ____________________ from Rumah
______________ marks.

And the winner is adik _______________________ from Rumah

______________ marks.
Next, we would like to give a special prize for the person, who had given his
effort to speak in English during the English month. And this appreciation
we would like to give it to _______________________________. He /
She try his/ her best to speak English than before, although the language is
not all correct and can be improved.
Please welcome.
Congratulation to _____________________ and thank you Mr. Hashim.

G. Break
Now, we will take a short break. Please come back to this ceremony after
half an hour. Thank you.

H. Performance
Ladies and Gentlemen, after the short break, welcome back to our ceremony.
Let us excite our closing ceremony with a few performances.
****Firstly, I would like to invite _______________________ to perform
their ________________________. Lets give ___________________ a big
Thank you for the performance.
Now, we are going to invite _____________________ to perform
_________________________, please welcome.
Thank you ___________________, what the wonderful presentation!
Ladies and Gentlemen, ______________ would now present the _________

Now, is the turn for ______________________________

Lets put our hands together for ___________________
I would now like to invite ________________________to come on stage to
present ___________________________
Ladies and gentlemen, lets hear a __________________ that will performed
by _________________________.
After the presentation from ______________________, we now invite the
****last performance****
Sadly enough, we have now come to the end of our ceremony, but before we
end, it is our hope that all pupils and teachers will participate actively in all
the organized activities.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are coming to the most exciting part of our
ceremony, let us enjoy the last performance from _____________________.
They will present the __________________.
What a wonderful and enjoyable performance!

I. End
We have now come to the end of the ceremony. We would like to thank you
for spending your time with us this morning.
We would like to express our thanks to Jabatan Penerangan Daro, all
teachers, staff and pupils who had give us big support and help to run our
program during English month successfully.
Thank you very much! You may now adjourn.

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