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Senior Principal Electrical Systems Engineer
Systems Engineering & Integration Group, 4/2012 Present
Vencore/Qinetiq North America.; Contracted to National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
Kennedy Space Center, Florida
Supervisor: Steve Sojourner, 321-867-1456; may contact
SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND INTEGRATION: Develop test procedures and engineering drawings
for the validation and verification of the special ground power system supporting ground
subsystems and applicable flight elements consisting of Boeing's Core Stage, Lockheed Martin's
Orion spacecraft and ATK's Solid Rocket Booster. Support integrated schedule development,
present technical issues to Engineering Review Boards and formulate system troubleshooting
plans relevant to power systems at Launch Complex 39B, Mobile Launcher and Multipurpose
Payload Processing Facility power systems. Work with design leads to incorporate
improvements into the ground power hardware and associated Programmable Logic
Controllers. Assess needs of ground power users and coordinate power availability accordingly.
Assess and document technical requirements for program-level approval. Perform hands-on
field verification/validation of installed power system hardware. Act as liaison between
engineering and manufacturing for the Engineering Services Contract Electrical Ground Support
Equipment fabrication effort. Evaluate and develop procedures to support achievement of
programmatic goals. Provide updated status to senior functional engineers and senior program
Key Accomplishments:
Created new procedures that reduced validation and verification time by 30% and enabled the
swift identification of key documents. Drafted checklists to increase the accuracy and efficiency
of reviews.
Orchestrated an effort to avoid the need for $500,000 hardware purchase by conducting a
comprehensive hands-on assessment of ground power user's needs. Conducted briefing of
assessment results to NASA engineering management and gained approval for cost savings.
Upgraded and refined training materials for use by junior engineering group members.
Senior Systems Integration Engineer

Systems Integration, Verification & Validation Group, 4/2005 4-2012

The Boeing Company.; Contracted to National Aeronautics and Space Administration,

Kennedy Space Center, Florida
Supervisor: Donna Waln, 843-513-8018; may contact

SYSTEMS INTEGRATION, VERIFICATION & VALIDATION: Applied subject matter expertise as lead
of the launch countdown Problem Resolution Team. Performed comprehensive review of postflight data to confirm acceptable flight hardware performance. Evaluated Shuttle ascent
performance via 16/35/70mm film and High Definition full-motion imagery. Compiled on orbit
performance data for each mission and presented results to management. Performed design
engineering analysis of ground-to-vehicle interfaces. As Orbiter Element Integration Lead,
analyzed inter-element RF, electrical, mechanical and data-handling interfaces. Evaluated
proposed engineering changes to internal Orbiter systems for technical integrity (electrical,
Key Accomplishments:
Inducted into the Boeing Designated Expert Program for demonstrated expertise in integrated
spacecraft systems, 2011
Received Career Achievement Award for achievements as a member of the Space Shuttle Prime
Launch Team, 2011
Received monetary award for achievements during the Expendable Ground Launch System
proposal effort, 2010
Received recognition/monetary award for Subject Matter Expert support to the Engineering
Review Board, 2009
Received recognition/monetary award for Mission STS-114 Engine Cutoff Sensor
troubleshooting, 2005
Systems Safety Engineering Manager

Systems Safety Engineering Department, 2004 2005

Jacobs/Sverdrup.; Contracted to United States Air Force, Cape Canaveral, Florida

Supervisor: Tom Lavelle, 931-581-7978; may contact
SYSTEMS SAFETY EVALUATION: Ensured systems safety engineering program complied with
System Safety Requirement MIL STD 882C and Eastern and Western Range Safety Requirement
EWR 127-1, NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) ,OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health
Administration) and DoD (Department of Defense) standards. Successfully led a team of 10
Safety Engineers performing multi-system hardware analysis on Delta, Atlas and Titan launch
facilities. Applied Failure Mode and Effects Analysis and Fault Tree Analysis to processes and to
instances of hardware failures. Produced fault tree analyses, hazard analyses and safety analysis
reports. Coordinated and performed field work to investigate mishaps and hardware system
configurations, track action items to closure.

Key Accomplishments:
Achieved successful evaluation of hazard control measures for all facilities supporting the
unmanned launch capability of the United States Air Force at Cape Canaveral.
Developed comprehensive and aggressive schedule for ongoing analyses, resulting in product
delivery significantly ahead of schedule.
Led the Systems Safety Engineering team to generate over 150 comprehensive documents (each
75-100 pages), consequently received Performance Award from the United States Air Force for
deliverables arriving ahead of expected timeline.
Systems Safety Engineer

Systems Safety Engineering Department, 2003 2004

Aerotek/SAIC.; Contracted to United States Air Force, Cape Canaveral, Florida

Supervisor: Tom Lavelle, 931-581-7978; may contact
SAFETY ANALYSES: Performed safety analyses for new and existing hardware interfacing with
Titan, Atlas and Delta launch vehicles. Produced fault tree analyses, hazard analyses and safety
analysis reports. Ensured protocols of safety environment complied with System Safety
Requirement MIL STD 882C and Eastern and Western Range Safety Requirement EWR 127-1,
NFPA (National Fire Protection Association), OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health
Administration) and DoD (Department of Defense) standards. Duties included field work to
investigate mishaps and hardware system configurations, track action items to closure.
Key Accomplishments:
Received monetary award for significantly exceeding United Air Force's expectations on
producing safety analysis reports.
Devised new format for safety reports, resulting in annual cost savings of $125,000.
Senior Test Project Engineer
Integration Engineering, 1996 2003
United Space Alliance; Contracted to National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
Cape Canaveral, Florida
Supervisor: Dave Henson, 321-567-4711; may contact
TECHNICAL INTEGRATION AND MANAGEMENT: Provided technical management, integration
and co-ordination of test team activities during shuttle countdown, landing and daily testing,
serving on launch team for a total of 101 launches, accumulating 25,000 - plus hours of console
monitoring and analysis of the shuttles subsystems. Verified hardware and radio
frequency/electrical interfaces involving Department of Defense payloads. Supported evaluation
and acquisition of command and control hardware for a $260 million turnkey project to

modernize the assets of four shuttle launch control rooms. Performed associated risk analysis
and defined test requirements and objectives
Successfully completed a comprehensive cross-training program to attain working knowledge
of major orbiter, Solid Rocket Booster and External Tank subsystems (electrical/wiring, radio
frequency, mechanical, hydraulics, instrumentation, digital processing, main propulsion,
cryogenics, pneumatics and life support) to support launch/checkout operations As lead of the
engineering team, successfully tested and deployed spacesuits for use on on-orbit spacewalks
supporting twenty missions. Successfully performed test/verification and de-bug of ground
software programs for use at the Integration console in the shuttle launch control room.
Provided planning, coordination and evaluation and direction of the development of single or
multiple subsystems with considerations of cost, schedule, performance, and supportability.
TRAINING AND SIMULATION: Generated technical failure scenarios to prepare the shuttle
launch team for actual launch day activities. Developed software scripts to manipulate data on
the subsystems control room consoles to evaluate the teams reaction and provide postsimulation critique and debrief.
Key Accomplishments:
Received award for significantly reducing National Aeronautics and Space Administration's
expectations on turnaround of the Orbiter processing schedule
Devised new format for tracking launch constraints, resulting in award from National
Aeronautics and Space Administration Launch Director, 1996
Received recognition for the level of effort supporting the modernization of the shuttle launch
control rooms.

Test Project Engineer

Integration Engineering 1987 1996

Lockheed Space Operations, Contracted to National Aeronautics and Space Administration,

Kennedy Space Center, Florida
Supervisor: Dave Henson, 321-567-4711; may contact
TECHNICAL INTEGRATION AND MANAGEMENT: Provided technical management, integration
and co-ordination of test team activities during shuttle countdown, landing and daily testing,
serving on launch team performing console monitoring and analysis of the shuttles subsystems.
Verified hardware and RF/electrical interfaces involving Department of Defense payloads.
Successfully completed a comprehensive cross-training program to attain working knowledge
of major orbiter, SRB and ET subsystems (electrical/wiring, RF, mechanical, hydraulics,
instrumentation, digital processing, main propulsion, cryogenics, pneumatics and life support)
to support launch/checkout operations Successfully performed test/verification and de-bug of
ground software programs for use at the Integration console in the shuttle launch control room.

Key Accomplishments:
Devised improvements to the method used to schedule firing room console personnel
assignments, resulting in a more streamlined, predictable work environment.
Lead Electrical Engineer
Global Positioning Systems Satellite Operations, 1986 1987
Rockwell International; Contracted to the United States Air Force, Kennedy Space Center, Florida
Supervisor: John Andres, 321-255-4834; may contact
two spacecraft checkout stations, including validation of the checkout facilities entire cabling
network, RF test set interface, satellite battery conditioning support equipment, electro-optical
W nuclear event sensor test set and ground power supplies. Was responsible for ensuring
successful checkout of flight electrical subsystems, including pyrotechnic separation, solar array
on-board batteries, wiring and avionics.
Key Accomplishments:
Generated 27 detailed operating procedures and 93 test documents, resulting in being
recognized by Rockwell management for high output of work related to the validation and
verification of spacecraft and the supporting facility's ground support equipment.
Test Project Engineer
Integration Engineering, 1984 1986
Supervisor: Dave Henson, 321-567-4711; may contact
Lockheed Space Operations; Contracted to National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
Kennedy Space Center, Florida
Provided technical management, integration and co-ordination of test team activities during
shuttle countdown, landing and daily testing, serving on launch team performing console
monitoring and analysis of the shuttles subsystems. Verified hardware and RF/electrical
interfaces involving Department of Defense payloads. Successfully completed a comprehensive
cross-training program to attain working knowledge of major orbiter, Solid Rocket Booster and
External Tank subsystems (electrical/wiring, radio frequency, mechanical, hydraulics,
instrumentation, digital processing, main propulsion, cryogenics, pneumatics and life support)
to support launch/checkout operations Successfully performed test/verification and de-bug of
ground software programs for use at the Integration console in the shuttle launch control room.
Key Accomplishments:
Performed redesign of departmental training program, resulting in 25% less disruption to daily
operational support.

Completed cross-training to permit monitoring of flight hardware (orbiter, external tank and
solid rocket booster) processing without the presence of other subsystems in the launch control

Electrical Engineer
Electrical Power Distribution and Control Department, 1983 1984
Supervisor: Gil Harris, 321-751-9630; may contact
Lockheed Space Operations; Contracted to National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
Kennedy Space Center, Florida
Effectively executed test planning, development of test procedures and performance of
checkout operations for the electrical systems of the Shuttle Vehicle and ground support
equipment. Served as launch team member, manning console position to verify all vehicle
electrical parameters operable for launch. Other tasks included troubleshooting system
anomalies hands-on and also remotely using diagnostic software. Oversaw the modification and
repair of the electrical wiring in the orbiter, including connectors, terminal boards, backshells,
lighting, switches, "black boxes" and glass cockpit. Also coordinated the completion of wiring
installation in the newly-built orbiters after their arrival from the Palmdale, California
manufacturing facility. Possessed Material Review Board authority for the orbiter electrical

Key Accomplishments:
Revised shuttle checkout procedures, resulting in 30% reduction in test effort.
Was promoted to Test Project Engineer in November 1984.

Electrical Engineer
Electrical Power Distribution and Control Department, 1981 1983
Supervisor: Jim Savastio, deceased
Rockwell International; Contracted to National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
Kennedy Space Center, Florida
Effectively executed test planning, development of test procedures and performance of
checkout operations for the electrical systems of the Shuttle Vehicle and ground support
equipment. Served as launch team member, manning console position to verify all vehicle
electrical parameters operable for launch. Other tasks included troubleshooting system

anomalies hands-on and also remotely using diagnostic software. Oversaw the modification and
repair of the electrical wiring in the orbiter, including connectors, terminal boards, backshells,
lighting, switches, "black boxes" and glass cockpit. Also coordinated the completion of wiring
installation in the newly-built orbiters after their arrival from the Palmdale, California
manufacturing facility. Possessed Material Review Board authority for the orbiter electrical
Key Accomplishments:
Due to cumulative experience and knowledge of the orbiter electrical system, I earned
Material Review Board (MRB) authority. (I was then authorized to approve deviations from the
original electrical system design.)
Provided major revisions to test documentation, avoiding six instances of damage to flight
Received award for participation in an investigation regarding orbiter wiring that was damaged

Master of Science, expected completion 12/2016
Regis University, Denver, Colorado USA
Computer Systems Engineering
Grade Point Average: 3.88 out of 4.0
Bachelor of Science, 12/1980
North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, North Carolina USA
Communications Electronics (Industrial)
Grade Point Average: 3.44 out of 4.0
Earned Value Management Silver Medallion Certification, Boeing, Kennedy Space Center, Florida,
Advanced Microsoft Project, New Horizons Computing, Winter Park, Florida, 1/2011
Microsoft Project, New Horizons Computing, Winter Park, Florida, 6/2010
CATIA (Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application) Version 5, Badencorp, Inc.,
Casselberry, Florida, 5/2010
Boeing Lean Production System Academy, Boeing, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, 9/2008

Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Word, Access, Project), Visio, Microsoft Expressions

Have successfully passed National Agency Background Checks
Held secret clearance 1983-1990 and 2003-2005.

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