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ps2 Partnerships - EMTS - Print Mid-Practioun Report AEE NTO er yicronia Pe PANES sssoumneatnat ‘This pst is n interim asesament of the progress for preservice teachers in the Master of Teaching in Secondary Education. Mentor teacEesare to complete the report in consultation with the preservice teacher and school partnership coordinator. ‘The report is intended to summits progress only. As Project Partnerships extends over the whole year, a detailed PP End of Practicum Report derived from the ‘Austalin Insitute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) National Graduate Teacher Standards willbe completed in October 2015. PP IMl-Practicum Progress Report Deadline: Week beginning 25th May, 2015 - Preservice teachers must read and acknowledge that they have: teal this report by checking the tick box next to Preservice Teacher and entering their name under the Compulsory Signatures section. ‘Mentor leachers required to do the same before the report can be sent to Victoria University. Two copies of this report (one for the mentor ‘and ne forthe preservice teacher) must be printed while sending the report to Victoria University PRESERVICE TEACHER DETAILS ID: 4826447 Family Name: MCCLOSKEY Given Name: ROWAN WILLIAM Teaching Method: Humanities Year LevellGrade: Year 7 PARTNERSHIP SCHOOL DETAILS ‘School Name: Footscray City College - GDSE Street: Kinnear Street Suburb: Footseray Post code: 3011 Phone: 8387 1500 ‘Mentor Teacher: Stephen Croci School Partnership Coordinator: Mustafa Eyis COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL Discussion of the Communication Protocol Please confirm that you have discussed the PP Communication Protocol with your preservice teachers. The Communication Protocol is ‘completed at the end of the first week of the first supervised teaching block in semesters one and two. have discussed the Communication Protocol with my preservice teacher Have you discussed any areas needing improvement with your prese 1 have discussed areas needing improvement teacher? ‘MID-PRACTICUM ASSESSMENT OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE ‘The Mewor teacher is asked to complete the following in consultation wit the Preservice teacher. Inthe following table, please note the practical echievements of and/or challenges forthe preservice teacher. Please make brief comments in response to the standerds, most of ‘which are derived from the Australian Insitute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) National Graduate Teacher Standards. A copy of the Sundards ean be found at bip./ww ats edu au/vervel_ resources Accreditation of initial teacher education file pif Care should be taken that assessments are appropriate to the practice and understanding normally expected of the Master of Teaching preservice teachers at tis stage oftheir practicum ‘Ata level of practice and understanding expected in the Master of Teaching, the preservice teacher is exploring and developing their professional knowledge, Please comment on the following characteristics. Please complete the form using these symbols - A: above expectation B: at expectation C: below expectation NA: not applicable PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE Preservice teachers in the Master of Teaching will: ‘know students and how they learn B ‘+ know the content and how to teach it A PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Preservice teachers in the Master of Teaching will: + plan for and implement effective teaching and learning B + create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments B + assess, provide feedback and report on student learning A PROFESSIONAL ENGAGEMENT Preservice teachers in the Master of Teaching will: + engage in professional learning A + engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community, A ip/leaucation wed aurepersimilomts/emts_ mid. print menter_copy php?Submit=Prnt+Repert&s 1 une Parierships - EMTS. Print Mio-Pracicum Report ADD» ITIOVAL CRITERIA ADDED BY THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION __ Prcestvice teachers are making progress towards completing the relevant number of e=sionplans as stated in The Essentials + Prresivice teachers are punctual and attend on all days A + Pr-ewivice teachers are developing professional relationships A OVERALL MID-PRACTICUM ASSESSMENT ‘This feback is particularly important for preservice teachers that have made unsatisfactory progress. Additional support will be made avail 2bleto preservice teachers who are identified as having made unselisfactory progress in Semester 1 Satisfactory; N= Unsatisfactory Progress at this stage) “OVIRALL PROGRESS: 8 Wore: MENTOR TEACHER COMMENTS lease comment on the preservice teacher's strengths and areas for improvement in relation to the above AITSL. National Graduate Teacher Stands: Rowan made significant progress throughout this teaching practicum. Initial challenges were quickly overcome as a result of personal reflection as well as seeking and responding to feedback from me. Rowan was thrown into the ‘deep end’ with a challenging Year 7 class with a variety of skill levels and behavioural issues. Rather than be phased by this he developed effective strat egies to respond to the wide range needs of those students. His lesson plans include a variety of teaching techniques, resources and setia that catered for the diverse range of students.Classroom activities were followed up with assessment tasks to measure student understanding and progress. Amongst all of these challenges Rowan was able fo develop a good rapport with the class and also zattended excursions to broaden his understanding of how a good relationship with students assists in building their confidence, self-esteem and an awareness of school as part of their community lif. Rowan's personality was such the he was always open to {feedDback and happy to try different techniques to develop his teaching skills I, and my students enjoyed the time he spent with us and Look forward to his next round. SIGNATURES. Preservice Teacher: ¥) Ihave read this report Rowan McCloskey Date: May 20, 2015 Mentor Teacher: Thave read this report Stephen Croci Date: May 20, 2015 ntplleducstion vue aureperis/midlemtsiemis_micprint_mentx_copy. phe ?Submit=Print+ Repertasid= asa64¢7MBHumn

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