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Journal 3 Alex is a very changed man since his arrest. He seems to be ina stable mood now and is a more matured than he was before after spending such lot of time in jail. His usage of language has also been changed. Before, he used to curse everybody and did not respect anyone however now he respects the officers and other people by addressing them respectfully like sir and all. He still curses people but not as often as he used to before. In this section he describes himself as your humble narrator while previously he did-not specifically describe him to be, “Your humble writer or anything like that.” He still no doubt uses foul language but much less than he used it before. He has learnt that he needs to respect people in order to gain respect from others. He’s got into some religion stuff at the jail by reading some parts of the bible. Basically he has a different attitude towards everybody now. He now addresses himself as friends this is your humble narrator. A lot has changed about his speech in this section as compared to the previous sections. MA by ‘Greg

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