Intro Letter

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Alverno College

3400 S 43rd St, Milwaukee, WI, 53234

Noor Kheirieh
Dear Assessor,
This purpose of this letter is to give you a brief overview of myself,
and to inform you of the organization of my portfolio. I am a Senior
standing student at Alverno College. My major is English and my
support is Secondary Education. My ultimate career goal is to become
an English teacher for grades 6-12. Through my experience at
Alverno, I have had several opportunities to grow, and I hope to prove
that to you through the artifacts in my portfolio. I have divided my
portfolio into seven sections. The sections are divided into my
introduction page (titled Noor Kheirieh), field placements, my major
(English), and a Free Choice page. The introduction page includes this
letter, an evidence record sheet, resume, educational philosophy, and
reflective letter. The field placements I have attended include: Salam
School, Greendale Middle School, Hamilton High School, and
Manitoba Elementary/Middle School. I am an English major, so I
have decided to leave a separate page for projects I did in a few of my
English courses. The Free Choice page is designated for the volunteer
work I have done throughout my college experience. My field
placements and English page are organized in the same way. For each
artifact, I have my rationale stated before the lesson plan/project. I did
this to set context for what my placement was like, a brief overview of
the lesson I chose and how it applies to the Wisconsin Standard/s and
Advanced Educational Ability I selected for each piece of evidence.
After the evidence, I have the standard/ability stated in my own words
to reiterate what I stated in my rationale for each standard/ability. My
video descriptions are all near the video so they are easy to connect.
For the lessons that I use as evidence that I had observed by my
supervisor, I place the feedback under the lessons so its clear what
items are connected. If I did not use my observed feedback as
evidence I placed the observed feedback at the very bottom of each
page for each field. My Final Cooperating Teacher Feedback is always
at the very bottom of my field placement pages. My Free Choice Page

has a brief description of the work Ive done and a few photos from
the events I have hosted/ participated in.
I hope this letter helps you navigate through my portfolio smoothly.
Thank you for your time,
Noor Kheirieh


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