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Chemsain HRD Sdn Bhd had successfully organised a Break-Out English training
for the second time on the 4 th and 5th September 2015 for our Kuching Clerical
staff consisting of clerks, office administrators and admin assistants. This 2-day
training was held at Telang Usan Hotel, Kuching. Overall, we had received
positive feedbacks from our staff and importantly they enjoyed the session and
simultaneously improving their English skills for future application in their
Our certified English trainer, Ms. Fiona De Rozario was invited to conduct this 2day course. The main topic discussed in this training was presentation skills,
proficiency of English in meeting, self-confidence in workplace and interaction
during meeting. Some of the activities that were conducted involved playing
cards and phrase ball that was able to attract our participants to be more
proactive and participative in the class. Miss Fiona encouraged them to
constantly speak English during the class and coffee breaks with each other. She
even showed some videos as example after she finished discussing every topics.
It was good for them to recap and understand the course better. She also
emphasized that we shouldnt be ashamed of our Malaysian English (MEnglish)
accent and encouraged us to use simple English that we are comfortable with as
long it is comprehensible. Moreover, our participants were given a task to come
out with a pair presentation about organizing party or any events. Proper
guidelines for doing a presentation were given as their reference.
Below are some of the feedbacks from the participants on the feedback forms:

What are the important things you have learnt in this course that will help you to
improve yourself and job function?

Note on prepare meeting of minute & presentation skills.

Speak more English. Dont be afraid of saying it wrongly.
How to act or respond in a meeting.
Confident yourself to speak English
Use proper English

Written by Cassandra Henry

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