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The lesson we never did learn!

To bring together people who could teach and those who wanted to learn, ToI launched the
Teach India campaign and made ‘Let’s learn to teach’ the clarion call

CAMPAIGN: Teach India


MEDIA SPENDS: Rs.2.5-5 crore

OBJECTIVE: To achieve 5,000 volunteers who could be trained to teach. The contact points
included individuals (who could teach and were willing to donate their time), NGOs (working
with illiterate children), schools (to provide space) and companies (to sponsor the initiative).

STRATEGIC CHALLENGE: The key challenge was the unenthusiastic response from
consumers. The uphill task was to communicate the hard-hitting realistic future of brand India –
a future which was trapped in the vicious cycle of poverty including 75 million children. While
most problems faced by the education sector (like under-equipped schools, high rate of dropouts,
caste & gender bias, politicisation, et al) needed massive infrastructural investment, ToI took the
onus of catering to the problem of shortage of qualified and equipped teachers. The strategic
challenge remaining convincing Indians to commit themselves.

BIG IDEA: Despite being home to a large mass of highly educated Indians, only a few educated
volunteer to teach. Why? Past qualitative research revealed that though the educated class
wanted to contribute, they didn’t have a platform to do so. ToI trained volunteers, provided eager
students waiting for teachers, matched their locational requirements with NGOs, and made ‘Let’s
learn to teach’ their clarion call. Volunteers were asked to spare two hours per week for this
cause. Aamir Khan too volunteered for the programme.

COMMUNICATION TOUCH POINTS: Principals, CEOs, housewives, collegians,

professionals, et al, were contacted. 28 direct response ads in print, 3 TVCs with multiple edits,
10 outdoor creatives, bookmarks, car stickers, elevator stickers were created. Digital media,
hoardings, events, et al, were also used.

EFFECTIVENESS: The first 10 days of the campaign saw over 10,000 volunteers sign up,
close to 60 NGOs recruit students, 32 schools donate space to conduct classes, 31 companies
support the initiative (both in terms of sponsorship and volunteers), 550,000 visits to the website
& 6000+ video downloads (Source: Client Data). While Aamir continues to teach for two hours
every week, 2 million children (at the last count) have benefited from the Teach India cause.

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