Restless Planet - Myp Unit 1

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SCIS MYP UNIT Planner for I & S

Teache Duchac/Forbes

Subject group and


Unit Our Restless Planet


Individuals and Societies

MYP year 1

Unit 16

Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept (choose 1 of the 16
MYP key)

Related concept(s) (choose 1-2

from your subject/discipline)

Global context (choose 1 of the 6)



Science and technical innovation

Statement of inquiry (Combines Key + Related Concepts + Global Context; is a statement, in studentfriendly language, posted in class)
Incremental change can be the cause of catastrophic events.

Inquiry questions (at least one of each, share with students, have students develop them as well!
Factual what, Conceptual how/why, Debatable provocative!)
Factual What causes natural disasters? (earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis)
Conceptual How do we affect nature? How does nature affect us? How do natural disasters change the environment?
Debatable Do we control nature? (Or does nature control us?)

Objectives (A, B, C, or D, and

specific strands *i, ii, iii, iv*. You
MYP Unit planner

Summative assessment

must assess each of the 4 twice

per year!)
Aii - subject specific content
Ci - communicate with clarity
Di - identify main points
--> cause
--> effect
--> response

Outline of summative
assessment task(s) including
assessment criteria: (GRASPS,
with a clear description of what
the kids are actually doing)
Learners are going to create a
multimedia video/presentation on a
given disaster (real world disaster)
where they will tell us what caused
the disaster, how it affected
humans/society, and how
technology was used to recognize
the event and support the recovery
-seismic readings
-buoy/wave information
-first hand accounts (videos,
writing, blogs, articles) - primary
humans affected
-what caused the disaster

MYP Unit planner

Relationship between summative

assessment task(s) and statement
of inquiry: (Justify WHY the
summative assessment(s)
relate(s)/link(s) back to the
Statement of Inquiry)
Learners will see, through primary and
secondary sources, the change created
by natural disasters, both ecologically
and on a human scale.

-how humans were affected

-technology- current/cutting edge
technology (drones, data, post 2010
Webtool- popcorn maker

Learner Profile (What LP traits will be tied to the unit?)

x Inquirers



Approaches to learning (ATL) (Choose 2 from the 5 general categories: Communication, Social, SelfMYP Unit planner

Management, Research, Thinking, then get a bit more specific, use your resources)
Communication and Research Skills

Planning for teaching and learning through inquiry

Content (CCSS, CPS


Learning process

Learning experiences and teaching strategies (Day to day of the unit, if you
plan on pasting full lesson plans, do so at the end of this document and write
see attached plans)

Topical Questions
What is an earthquake?
What causes an earthquake?

What are the effects of an earthquake? (Physical & Societal)

MYP Unit planner

(10 minutes) Introduction-Do we control nature?

-have classroom conversation on question
-ask learners to give examples of how we control nature/or don't control nature
(20 minutes) CNN Student Video


-show video (10 minutes) (video sums up the boxing day tsunami-causes, effects, etc.)
-when finished, put questions up on board and have learners attempt to answer them
Media Literacy Question of the Day
What images and video from the Japanese earthquake and tsunami do you think will stick out in
your mind? Why do you think that these videos and images were used in the program?
Japan Earthquake
Describe the sequence of events that occurred after a magnitude 8.9 earthquake struck off the
coast of Japan. What impact has this earthquake had on Japan and the world?

(20 minutes, break, 20 minutes)Content article:

-read article as individuals
-pretend you are the teacher-what five questions would you ask 5th graders about this article?
-Please record your five questions and answers on your document (pages, word, etc.)
Day 3/4
(20 minutes) Homework/Class Review
-go over the questions learners created for homework
--> 1 leader per table create a OneDrive shared document. Email to group. Post all group
members questions, and create a group set of definitions with pictures (SEE KEY VOCAB WORDS
MYP Unit planner


(20 minutes) Key Vocab Words (cognitive dictionary for EAL)

-With your group, create a list of 7 vocabulary words for our unit on earthquakes

Ring of Fire

MYP Unit planner

Definition, picture, related words

-tectonic plates

MYP Unit planner

-When groups are finished, create a classroom list (definitions, pictures, and related words)
Also, add into group notes:

What is an earthquake?
What causes an earthquake?

MYP Unit planner

What are the effects of an earthquake? Please tell me

both environmental and human effects.

Produced in NOTE FORM with pictures in OWN WORDS

Final Group Document Includes: 7 Key Vocab words with Pictures and Title; Titles for 3 Essential
Questions; informatives notes for each EQ, including pictures.

Include CASE STUDY - Essential Questions or Reflective Questions based learning or Round table
discussions, or group dialogue sessions

MYP Unit planner

-Write a journal entry from a first person perspective & film an emotional first hand

video/podcast based off of primary source(s)

Checklist: Include appropriate sound effects; display utmost respect and empathy; use
lines and info from primary sources.


Day 5/6

1.Group vocabulary review

2.Tell them their will be a vocabulary quiz on Wednesday
3.Go outside as a group, give them spiel on earthquake hitting Shanghai, everything is flattened. We have no
supplies, so with your group, come up with a list of basic supplies you would need to survive three days.
4. Review the following websites.

Pick one survivor's story and write a one paragraph reflection on how it made you feel.
5. Peer edit reflection

Earthquake Survival List

MYP Unit planner

Water-20 liters for drinking

Gas Masks
First Aid Kits-gauze, Band-Aids, tweezers, tape, scissors,
flashlight, iodine, alcohol swabs, cotton balls, q-tips,
Food-3 servings fruit and veggies, 3 servings protein, 3
servings carbs, extra food for other survivors
Shelter- with a roof
Medicine- for stragglers
Sleeping bags
Crow bar
Duffel Bag/Pack- for holding everything
-10 liters of water for each person
-Food- can food that will a long time
-Shovel: to move rubble out of the way
-mini stove to cook,
-Shelter: to sleep and survive- made out of leaves and bricks to make a
small hut.a
-phone: to call emergency services
-Dog: to search for other survivors
-a blanket to keep warm in the night.
-Knife: To use as an tool/defend yourself.
MYP Unit planner

-rope- to pull the survivors in the hole or in a deep place

-pictures/memory of family- so you don't feel as bad

1. Water
2. Food
3. Shelter
4. First aid kit
MYP Unit planner

5. Shovel
6. Pocket knife
7. Paper map
8. SAT phone
9. Compass
10. Clothes
11. Flashlight
12. Helmet
13. Sleeping bag
14. Tissue
15. Bags for waste
16. Cash
17. Credit card
18. Backpack

MYP Unit planner

How did the article about the Nepal earthquake make

you feel? In your pages document, please write a one
paragraph response.

MYP Unit planner

3. Listen to "The Science and Sorrow of Nepal's Earthquake".

Emergency Survival Kit.

What items would you need to survive for at least three days?
How many? (How much water, food, etc.).

MYP Unit planner

-go outside as a group, look for safe areas to meet, draw a map of how you would get out of
Day 7/8:
1. Go over basic survival supplies list
MYP Unit planner

2. Review causes of earthquakes

3. Tectonic plate activity-create a world tectonic map, cut out the plates, label the plates, label the continents
4. Discuss vocabulary quiz that will take place on Thursday/Friday
Action plan for today (Thursday/Friday)
1. Vocabulary quiz and peer review
2. Continue with tectonic plate activity
Action plan for today (Monday/Tuesday)
-finish tectonic plate map
1. Using this website, have learners create plate collisions (ocean-ocean, continent-ocean, etc.) with paper:
2. Have learners add this to their existing maps
Action plan for today (Wednesday/Thursday)
1. Have learners create info cards that match the tectonic map (each group creates one card
from vocabulary words)
2. Learners will place string from the info card to the area of the map it is associated with (whole
class project: core=map, info cards on the outside, individual stories surround)
3. Each group pinpoints a specific earthquake on the tectonic map, case study from Japan or
Nepal, one group analyses essential question (Do we control nature or does nature control us?),
one group discusses humans causing earthquakes
MYP Unit planner

Group I- design and flow of board (title, make the board look appealing)
Group II- article on specific earthquake (key words from info. cards), Nepal/Japan (headline of
news story, half page infograph and summary)
Group III- Fracking/human caused
Group IV- Do we control nature or does nature control us?
-continue working on group assignments with goal to be finished by end of class
Look To Repeat for Tsunami
Essential Understandings
What is a Tsunami
What causes a Tsunami - Essnetial to connect to Earthquake
Effects of Tsunami
Content/Case Study (BBC Tsunami Page)
Tsunami Early Warning System Article-

MYP Unit planner

Infograph creation - cut out paper into triangles/squares/circles, with one essential understanding
question, with info, picture, and SOURCE

Human effects (fracking)

-What effects do they have?
Aftermath for humans
human response
--> prepare and prevention -
Unify people/groups/society?
-How do we measure and predict them?
-Richter scale
- What causes them?
-What effects do they have?
-How do we measure them?
MYP Unit planner

-Can we predict them? How?

- What causes them?
-What effects do they have?
-How do we measure them?
-Can we predict them? How?
Day 1
-news article that gives general earthquake info. and individual stories as well
-Treme as a case study?
-Case study (specific person story)
-popcorn maker

Formative assessment (could include tests/quizzes, participation/discussion,

presentations, projects/performance, writing, etc)

MYP Unit planner

Differentiation (SPED, ELL, tier 1-3, use resources)

Resources (Websites, technology, media, communications, community partnerships, etc) - helicopter video - how a tsunami is created by underwater earthquake

Reflecting and evaluating (choose a few of the below questions, briefly reflect prior-during-after,
delete the unused prompts)
Prior to teaching the unit
Why do we think that the unit or the selection
of topics will be interesting?
What do students already know, and what can
they do?

During teaching

What were the learning outcomes of this unit?

What difficulties did we encounter while
completing the unit or the summative
assessment task(s)?

What have students encountered in this

discipline before?

What resources are proving useful, and what

other resources do we need?

What does experience tell us about what to

expect in this unit?

What student inquiries are emerging?

What attributes of the learner profile does this

unit offer students opportunities to develop?

What can we adjust or change?

What potential interdisciplinary connections

can we identify?

What skills need more practice?

What do we know about students preferences

and patterns of interaction?

MYP Unit planner

After teaching the unit

How well did the summative assessment task
serve to distinguish levels of achievement?
Was the task sufficiently complex to allow
students to reach the highest levels?
What evidence of learning can we identify?
What artifacts of learning should we document?

What is the level of student engagement?

Which teaching strategies were effective? Why?

What was surprising?
What student initiated action did we notice?

Are there any possible opportunities for

meaningful service learning?
What in the unit might be inspiring for
community or personal projects?
Could we develop authentic opportunities for
service learning?
How can we use students multilingualism as a
resource for learning?

How can we scaffold learning for students who

need more guidance?
What is happening in the world right now with
which we could connect teaching and learning
in this
How well are the learning experiences aligned
with the units objectives?

What will we do differently next time?

How will we build on our experience to plan the
next unit?
How effectively did we differentiate learning in
this unit?
What can students carry forward from this unit to
the next year/level of study?
Which subject groups could we work with next
What did we learn from standardizing the

MYP Unit planner

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