Samstewartmathspd 22ndoctober Problemsolving

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Sam Stewart Maths PD - 22nd October - Problem Solving

Jellybean video
-How long does it take you to sleep? Eat? Get to school?
-Break it down to what you do every week? Everyday?
- sleeping, eating, ipad, tv, playing outside
- 1 jellybean per hour of their day

Sheepherding Problem
Starting with smallest number or largest number and working out all the
possibilities then going to the next number.
factors of 24
5 Practices


how they might interpret the problem
what strategies they might use
and how both of these things link to the mathematical ideas the teacher is
- What might the misconceptions be (use them for learning)
-teacher needs to do the problem as many ways as they can
-better perspective from more teachers
-students lean towards using multiplicative strategies so teacher needs to
have questions that promote multiplicative thinking

Paying close attention to strategies
Teacher to list and anticipate solutions
involves more than watching and listening need to have questions
(preferably planned in advance)
- all members of the group must be engaged
3. Selecting
- getting a range of learners to share

- may share one part of the problem or their whole thinking

- A teacher might also choose someone to share who answers correctly but
the working out is incorrect.
- Be careful with time - have 3 learners or ways of solving the problem
already picked out
4. Sequencing
- selecting particular learners to share
- sequence of thinking (moving from counting, to multiplicative thinking,
mathematical progression)
- how they think they need to solve the problem
- Then choose a different learner to follow with a new way of solving the
- there is not one way to sequence and select learners responses.
- If there is a mathematical misunderstanding then it needs to be cleared up
5. Connecting
- connecting between their own and others solutions to the problem as well
as the key mathematical ideas
- effective discussions to help evaluate efficiency and accuracy
- discussing why there are different approaches to a problem
- build on previous learning
What is the big idea?
What is the language you are wanting to come out of the session?
Reading by Peter Sullivan - easter egg hunt and the learners discovering
for themselves and getting excited about it.
Bees Honeycomb
youtube video
The maths from the video

-Could practice using a range of shapes

Hive Option Problems

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