303 Descriptors For Wheat Revised

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ie DESCRIPTORS FOR WHEAT (Revised) GPG: 18P6R/85/210 Replacing AGP: TRPGR/81/51 May 1981 INTERNATIONAL BOARD FOR PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES ‘COMMISSION OF EJROPEAN COMMUNITIES: COMMITTEE ON DISEASE RESISTANCE BREEDING AND USE OF GENEBANKS REVISED DESCRIPTOR LIST FOR WHEAT (Triticum spp.) THPCR Secretariat, Rome 1985 GEC Secretariat, Brussels 1985 tie In 1974 the Couscil of Ministers of the Enropean Communities Geteblished a Standing Committee on Agricultural Research to Advise the Comaission on a programme of Agricultural Research. ‘The first prograane started in 1975, while a second programme was Launched in 1979 for the five yeer period 1979-1983. ‘The standing Comittee on Agricultural Research has advised the Commission on both programmes. Within this framework a progranne Gn'resistance breeding and use of genebanks has been set-up as one Of 10 subjects. This programe (with a Limited budget) ts managed by a progranme comaittee in which the ten member countries are fepresented by thett nominees, one per country. The programe committee startel work in 1978 by selecting priorities for crops and subjects, Several working groups have been set-up to prepare descriptor Liste ae basis for future work. (o8¢ - Programe Committee on Disease Resistance Breeding and Use of Gene Banks Second Programme on Agricultural Research of the CEC rue de 1a Lot, 200 1040 Brussels, Helgiun Published for the Commission of the European Connunitiés, Ditectorate-General Inforaation Market aad Innovation, Luxembourg ‘and for the IBPGR, Rone. LEGAL NoTiCE: Neither the Commission of the European Conmunities aor any person acting oa behalf of the Commission is responsible for the vse which might be wade of the following information. wmembourgs and + Rone 1985 —rotocol for symbole for genes, and for a listing Of those so far identified refer to! MeKntosh Rely A Caealogue of Gene Synbols for Wheat (1983 Edition) Proc. 6th. Int. Wheat Genetics Syap., Kyoto, Japan 1197-1254. Aenual Supplements also appear io ‘Wheat Information Service, Cereal Research Communications and Annual Wheat Newsletter NorEs Give additional information where descriptor state is noted Ge "other" as, for example, in descriptors 2.10, 8. etc. Aso include here any further relevant inforaation

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