SPM 452 Finance Project

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Executive Summary
The James Harden Skills Camp is a basketball camp that is located at Arizona State
University (ASU) in Tempe, Arizona. The instruction and competitions will be held at Wells
Fargo Arena which is where the ASU basketball team plays its home games. This camp has been
established by Nate, James, Ryan, and Arizona State University with the intent to give back to
the community, while also polishing the skills of young talented athletes for the future by
providing them with a once-in-a-lifetime experience. We are aiming to attract at least 500 (250
males and 250 females) in our first year of running the camp. The university itself can make a
profit through this camp and also increase brand recognition and awareness through
advertisement and camp attendees. The services being offered is an interactive learning
experience which will hone the skills of the participants immensely. James Harden is one of the
most talented basketball players in the world, and getting advice and instruction from him is
beneficial to all parties involved. The Arizona State basketball team will be heavily involved in
the activities as well, along with new head coach Bobby Hurley, who is a former National
Champion as a player at Duke University.
The target consumers will be male and female basketball players around the area between
the ages of 15 and 18. This will ensure that competition is leveled and the participants are at a
prime age to get the most beneficial experience possible. The tentative dates for the male camp
will be July 6th through July 9th 2015, while the female side of the camps will be held July 10th
through July 13th. Campers will stay overnight in dorms provided by the university. We will
provide food, beverages, transportation to and from the arena, and extracurricular activities when
the camp day is over. These are all expenses that we have considered and will go into further
detail about later on. The camp is being sponsored by James Harden and Arizona State

University, so that is where our flow of cash will mainly be coming from. Mr. Harden is donating
$50,000 to the camp in order for it to be run successfully and efficiently.

Business Structure of Camp

The James Harden Skills Camp managerial team is engaged in a general partnership. The
partnership is between Nate/Ryan and Arizona State University, while Mr. Harden is the sponsor
and donator for the camp itself. This means that Nate, Ryan, and Arizona State all share in
operating, managing, and controlling the ongoing activities within the camp and also share in the
profits and liabilities (Fried, 2013, pg. 91). There will be a split of profits 50/50 between Nate &
Ryan and the university. A portion of the revenues are allocated towards paying staff,
food/beverages, transportation, jerseys, equipment, and other necessities involved with running
the camp. Many of the liabilities will be handled via waiver that every participant and parent has
to sign off on. This will waive us and the University of any liability due to injury at the camp that
doesnt involve our own negligence. The James Harden Skills Camp is driven by the desire to
better the future of young athletes around the world. There is also the goal of maximizing profit,
which is the ultimate goal of any business, but we really strive to increase talent in the
participants, gain awareness for Arizona State, and create a safe and fun environment for all.

Industry & Competitive Analysis

Taking into consideration our competition in other summer basketball camps around the
phoenix area is important to a successful business plan. We need to compare ourselves to our

competition by evaluating their prices, their strengths, and their weaknesses. This will allow us to
know what we need to include or improve on, and what not to do based on weaknesses or
failures in other camps. The state of Arizona itself is full of many summer basketball camps
ranging from local individually owned camps to Division I colleges and an NBA team summer
camp with the Phoenix Suns. While there are many camps all around the state of Arizona, we
want to focus and compare ourselves to the higher levels of our competition because we are with
a Division I university in Arizona State and we have an NBA player bringing in business and his
basketball knowledge. Also, comparing ourselves to the highest level of competition allows us to
bring our camp to the highest quality possible because of our higher standards that we want to
keep up with.
Some of our top potential competitors could include Arizona University, University of
Phoenix, Grand Canyon University, Northern Arizona University, and our primary competitor is
the Phoenix Suns Jr. Suns summer camp. Only the Phoenix Suns camp and the University of
Phoenix offer camps for the same age groups as us, so we do not have to worry about Arizona
University, Grand Canyon University, and Northern Arizona University taking our customers
because of the age group differences. While those three schools may have focuses in different
age groups, we can still compare ourselves to them and learn from them. We can take a look at
what they offer, their prices, and any of their flaws. This chart focuses on some of the basic
comparisons between us and our competitors.

Name of




Number of

What does


July 6-9

$350 Night

Boys and


camp offer



$200 Day

Girls 15-18

Skills Camp


$50 food






June 28-July


$495 Night

Boys and


girls 6-17


Suns camp

$250 Day

Boys 7-17




June 22-25

of Phoenix

June 29-


July 2



June 8-12


June 15-19

$275 Day

Boys 2nd-8th





June 1-4







Boys 6-14




June 23-26

$125 Day



Boys 1 -8







Our biggest competitor is the Phoenix Suns camp called Jr.Suns. They are our biggest
competitor because they offer everything we offer, while our other top competitors dont quite
offer everything we do. Both our camp and the Jr. Suns offer skill training, competitions and
scrimmages, food for the campers, overnight dorming, and celebrities visiting and teaching at the
camp. We will compare ourselves to their successes and failures, and the setup of their camp. We
already offer everything they do, but at a cheaper price and we have more room for more
campers by using the dorms of Arizona States campus. We are a new camp so we have to work
our way into the market and prove ourselves, while the Jr. Suns camp is already established and
has customers.

Our primary revenue source would be James Hardens donation of $50,000 for the
opening of our camp. This would allow us to get started and get any equipment we need and pay
any of the staff so that we can get started. Our other primary source of revenue would be the
profits from the campers paying to attend the camp. If we get 250 campers to pay for the
overnight camp, that would be a profit of $87,500. If the other 250 campers out of our limit of
500 campers pay for the day camp, that would be a profit of $62,500. Parents and anyone who

comes to watch parts of the camp will end up spending money and add to our revenue. The
selling of any extra merchandise outside what we provide to the campers would be another
source of revenue. We are also selling wristbands that allow any campers with the wristband to
eat at our facilities while at the camp, which will be a good source of revenue because most kids
staying overnight will likely buy the wristbands. If an estimated 300 campers out of the 500 buy
the wristbands that would be a profit of $15,000.
Our expenses come from everything involved in running the camp for the week that we
offer it. We do not need to pay many startup costs because the school provides all of the facilities
we need through our partnership. We estimate a cost $12,500 for food to feed the campers
breakfast, lunch, and dinner for any who buy the wrist bands. Our equipment costs would be
around an estimated $15,000 to pay for basketballs, jerseys, backpacks, hats, and t-shirts. Paying
our staff is another expense estimated at $15,000, which would include the coaching staff,
cooking staff, athletic trainers, residence hall supervisors, and janitorial staff. Our forms of
advertising will include a website, a local commercial, flyers, social media, radio, and newspaper
and would have an estimated expense of $10,000. A minor expense for us would be
transportation of the campers about the campus via a couple provided shuttles with an estimated
expense of $2,000. Operational expenses are estimated at $1,500 and include the costs involved
with running the buildings, dorms, and facilities while running the camp. We also included an
estimated $3,500 in liabilities in case of any unpredicted situations.

Budgeting for the Future

For our camp, it will be critical that we budget to ensure that were on the right path to
success. More importantly, a budget aids in anticipating what the future beholds, while also
mapping out necessary resources, monitors finances, helps communicate plans to our
stakeholders, and much more (Fried, 2013, pg. 42). As a start-up camp it is crucial that we
allocate the proper amount of funds to certain areas such as marketing and advertising in order to
draw consumers to our service. The donation from James Harden will be imperative for our
success, and we will strive to gain a large profit thanks to that which will only further increase
what we can offer in the upcoming years.
In our first year, we expect that our profits will greatly exceed future profits. This is in
large part due to the donation from Mr. Harden and also our higher initial entry fees. It is our
goal to eventually lower our prices to around $250 for any participant. James Harden hosts other
camps where entry is $199, but those are not week-long overnight camps and also do not offer all
of the intricacies that we intend to offer (procamps.com/jamesharden). The James Harden Skills
Camp will also bring further recognition to Arizona State University, which will increase their
applications in the near future and potentially increase their attendees. This will lead to a jump in
revenue for the university, which is something that is beneficial to both of us. If they are happy
with what we continue to offer, our partnership can continue to grow and prosper.
Since we are expecting such a large profit margin, we would like to reinvest the profits
into camp expenses. Our spending for the camp should increase between 25% the first year and
then 10% after that depending on what our profits are in that particular year. This will assure a
more unbelievable experience each and every year for the campers. If a camper attends one year,
we expect that if they attend the following year it will be an even better experience for them. In a

perfect world, the word would spread about our camp and we could potentially even expand how
many campers are allowed to attend, or even expand to other universities around the nation.


^25% = $74,375
^10% = $81,813
^10% = $89,994
^10% = $98,993

As the graph shows, eventually we will have to find a steady amount of reinvestment in
order to keep our profits at a good level. This table is just an example of how we would like to
budget the camp in the upcoming years. This will be plausible because of the eventual profits
that we will be making off of the James Harden Skills Camp. It will be even easier to obtain
these goals if James Harden continues to donate. We dont have a set contract with him regarding
that notion, but it is something that we will look into following future successes.

Goals and Objectives

To increase camp participants and spectators on an annual basis. This camp has the
potential to become huge in the amateur sports world. The athletic complex has the
ability to not only allow more participants and spectators, but also to allow more
competitions to be added to the tournament. As the demand for participants increases, the

venue has the ability to add another week, and multiple other competitions to support
increasing demand.

To provide a safe environment. There are around 9,930 crimes in Tempe, Arizona
annually, and it is rated safer than only 5% of American cities
(http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/az/tempe/crime/). It is critical that we make sure our
campers are safe when they are on campus grounds.

To turn a profit. The goal of the James Harden Skills Camp is to make money, and turn a
profit. Running an amateur basketball camp like this one is unprecedented, so it is
difficult to project unknown costs. However, with revenue from merchandise sales,
bracelet sales, and participation fees, the camp is predicted to turn a profit in its first year.

Sources of Capital
The James Harden Skills Camp will initially be funded mostly by James Harden himself.
The donation will be used to start and run the camp at first, but we are predicting major
profits from the proceedings. James may continue to donate on an annual basis, but that has
not been factored in as of yet. The total profits are estimated to be in the vicinity of $100,000,
which split in half between us and Arizona State University leaves about $50,000 for each
party. For a start-up camp, that is an incredible profit margin. We dont think thats a fluke
either as we estimate our profits to only increase on a yearly basis. If our forecasts are
correct, this could be one of the more profitable camps in the country. These profits will be
another large source of capital in the future. Another source of capital down the road will be
other sponsorship deals that may arise for the camp. Local businesses may be interested in
sponsoring the James Harden Skills Camp, and depending on how successful we are, major
national corporations/businesses may also be interested in getting an agreement with us.


Merchandising is also a key source of revenue in our grand scheme. Well be selling tshirts, jerseys, backpacks, fake James Harden beards, and much more which will be very
popular amongst the participants and spectators. One of the largest sources for us will be the
actual attendance fees for the campers. Our projected revenue via attendance fees (this
includes food bracelets, overnight campers, and commuting campers) is around $165,000.
Granted this could be either higher or lower, but we expect a number around that. A number
of other sources of capital could pop up as time goes on, but for now, these are the main
ones that our team will be focusing on.
Capital Growth
In order to grow and profit in the long run, its essential that the James Harden Skills
Camp expands its brand. This can be done in a variety of different ways, many of which have
already been touched upon. We plan to base our future plans on the present successes and
failures that we encounter. In the near future it is important to us to set up camps in other
colleges around the nation in order to grow larger. This will ensure that we are reaching the
largest market possible which can only be beneficial to the camp, the universities, and James
Harden. Most of our profits will be reinvested into the camp in order to guarantee a state-ofthe-art atmosphere and experience each and every year. We would also like to allow more
campers to attend in future years which will lead to a large increase in revenues in our books.
Another option to ensure capital growth would be to set up a sort of basecamp where we run
all of our operations. It could be an opportunity to establish a centralized location for
operating the camp, and would give us the opportunity to elongate the camp by offering it
over a course of a few weeks rather than just one week.


In short, we are anticipating the James Harden Skills Camp to be an incredibly profitable
sports entity that will thrive within the market and grow to immense stature. Not only that,
but it will also be incredibly beneficial to our partners (James Harden and ASU) and also all
of the participants that decide to take part in the next big sports camp. If all of our projections
are spot on, the James Harden Skills Camp will be a force within the sports camp world in no
time. As weve stated, we really want to help our partners grow as well, while also helping
Mr. Harden give back to his alma mater and community. We offer a wide variety of services
that many other camps cannot compete with. This is something that sets us apart from
competitors across the nation. We strive to accomplish every goal that weve set for
ourselves, and anything less than that is a failure in our eyes. Our dedication to success will
be a driving factor for all of the actions taken to improve the camp.



Cash receipts from customers~165,000
Cash paid for
Inventory purchases..(~5,000)
General operative and administrative expenses(~3,500)
Income Taxes..(~8,000)
Net cash flow from operations~123,500
Cash receipts from
Sale of property and equipment.~5,000
Cash paid for
Purchase of property and equipment.(~10,000)
Net cash flow from investing activities..(~5,000)
Cash receipts from
Net cash flow from financing activities~50,000

Net increase in cash..~168,500

Balance Sheet
James Harden Skills Camp
Month ending: July 2015
Cash assets: (James
Harden Donation)



Petty cash:
Accounts receivable:
(participant fees,
wristbands, etc.)


Current liabilities:
Accounts payable:
(Food and Advertising)



Notes payable:



Long-term liabilities:




Taxes (state):


Prepaid expenses:


Taxes (federal):




Taxes (property):


Land improvements:


Taxes (misc.):







Misc: (Transportation
and Operations





Miscellaneous assets:


Intangible assets:





Total assets: ~$231,000

Total liabilities: ~$49,000

Camper participation fees..~150,000
Food wristbands.~15,000
Merchandise sales.~5,000
Total Revenues.~220,000

Camper meals..(~12,500)
Total Expenses.(~59,500)

Total Income..~160,500


Fried, G., DeSchriver, T., & Mondello, M. (2013). Sport Finance (3rd ed.).

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