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2nd Tutorial

After few times of consideration again,i finally decided to choose space and people as my theme
because I find that it is more easier for me to focus on my chosen place Jonker Street in Melaka as it is
really an interesting and historical place which most of the people and tourist will visit there once they
are in Malacca. Jonker Street is not only fomous because of the night market during the weekend ,but
is is actually the architecture mostly from the 17th century.The most unique part of Jonker street is also
the the place where there is a lot of Baba and Nyonya culture. It is like the Jonkedated back to three
hundred years ago from the Malacca empire and China.
So for this project,i am going around those famous spot in the jonker street and the picture of the
famous places and different of Jonker Street during weekdays and weekends,how people usually
spend their time and what kind of activities they usually do during the weekends and of course the
weekdays,where and which building do the tourist usually visit in the jonker strreet,all the baba
nyonya and unique architecture and of course food such as nyonya food which most of the tourist will
For this week,i will not going to show any of the picture I take because I will only go back to
Malacca next week,but I will going to show the research that I have done on the history and timelime
of Jonker Street and some inspiration images of Jonker Street that I might take.

History of Jonker

1. Jonker street is Malaccas chinatown. One can easily bargain for cheap items and shop
for antiques there. It is one of the most well known shopping district in Malacca. Jonker
street also sells a large variety of food. One can find Chinese food, Indian food and Malay
food there. Jonker street also sells many tourist souvenirs such as the Malacca keychain
and other collectibles. Jonker street is usually full of crowd during the weekends and on
Jonker Street has a rich history. It is a place where the Indian Chitty chew their red
sandalwood leaves as their favourite pasttime. Presently, one can still see the Indian
Peranakans in Jonker street.
Jonker street is also the the place where there is a lot of Baba and Nyonya culture. It is
like the birthplace of the Peranakan culture. One can find many antique shops there.
Antique items can be dated back to three hundred years ago from the Malacca empire and
2. During the Dutch Malacca, servants and subordinates of Dutch masters used to live at
the nearby Heeren Street. However, as the Dutch left, it became noblemen's street. Rich
Peranakans started to live and did business within the street area, giving the street a deeprooted ethnic and cultural flavor.

Peranakan is Peranakan Chinese and Baba-Nyonya are the descendants of Chinese

immigrants who came to the Malay archipelago and British Malaya (now Peninsular
Malaysia and Singapore) between the 15th and 17th centuries.
Members of this community in Malaysia address themselves as "Baba Nyonya". Nyonya
is the term for the women and Baba for the men. It applies especially to the Han
populations of the British Straits Settlements of Malaya and the Dutch-controlled island
of Java and other locations, who have adopted Nusantara customs partially or in full
to be somewhat assimilated into the local communities. Many were the elites of
Singapore, more loyal to the British than to China. Most have lived for generations along
the straits of Malacca. They were usually traders, the middleman of the British and the
Chinese, or the Chinese and Malays, or vice versa because they were mostly English
educated. Because of this, they almost always had the ability to speak two or more
While the term Peranakan is most commonly used to refer to those of Chinese descent
also known as Straits Chinese (named after the Straits Settlements; in Chinese;
Tionghoa-Selat or Tionghoa Peranakan in Indonesian; Phuket Baba among Thais in
Phuket, Thailand, there are also other, comparatively smaller Peranakan communities,
such as Indian Hindu Peranakans (Chitty), Arab/Indian Muslim Peranakans (Jawi Pekan)
(Jawi being the Javanised Arabic script, Pekan a colloquial contraction of Peranakan) and
Eurasian Peranakans (Kristang) (Kristang = Christians of Portuguese and Asian ancestry).
[5][6] The group has parallels to the Cambodian Hokkien, who are descendants of Hoklo
Chinese, and the Pashu of Myanmar, a Burmese word for the Peranakan or Straits
Chinese who have settled in Myanmar.They maintained their culture partially despite
their native language gradually disappearing a few generations after settlement
3. Jonker street is the famous and busiest street in Malacca town , especially during the
nights of the weekends . Jonker is derived from the Dutch word Jonkvrouw, which
means nobility , hence jonker street is known as " the nobility Street of Dutch." For
chinese Jonker Street is also known as , the antique street , Hall Street , Holland Street .
Jonker street was once lived by peopel such as those rich and powerful Peranakan (Baba,
Nyonya, settled in the early 15th century, Malacca , Indonesia and Singapore -generation
descendant of the Ming Dynasty , the Chinese and Malaysian married born offspring)
.Until today the pattern , decoration , furniture and supplies of those houses and shop lots
there are still remain the same .

Inspiration photos of Jonker Street

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