שחזור אנטומיה ראש צוואר

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: trigeminal ganglion- .1
greater wing of sphenoid .1
(?? ) lesser wing of sphemoid- .3
sella turcica- .4
?CN III ".2
Levator palpebrae .1
Superior oblique .2
Medial rectus .3
Inferior oblique .4
? " '.3
Anterior belly of digastric .1
Posterior belly of digastric .2
Tensor veli palatini .3
Tensor tympani .4
?- .4
Anterior belly of digastric .2
Posterior belly of digastric .3
Superior belly of omohyoid .4
(?? ) SCM- .5
Greater auricular nerve .1
accessory nerve- .2
Hypoglossal .3
?.facial n- .6
Zygomatic .1
Temporal .2
Buccal .3
Cervical .4
Posterior auricular .5
? .7
.Inferior alveolar n .1
.Buccal n .2
.Lingual n .3
+ .4
++ .5
?pterygomandibular fossa- .8
.Lateral pterygoid m .1
Temporalis .2
.Medial pterygoid m .3
Masseter .4
?foramen rotundum- .9

Infratemporal fossa .1
Pterygopalatine fossa .2
Inferior orbital fissure .3
.10 ?
.11 .lingual n- ?submandibular duct-
.1 , , ,
.2 / ,/ ,/ ,/
.12 ?.lingual n-
Lingual tubercle .1
Lingual carancula .2
.13 ?
Maxillary tuberosity .2
Vomer .4
.14 , raphe-
Middle pharyngeal constrictor .1
Masseter .2
Superior pharyngeal constrictor .3
.15 ? .Facial n
.16 ? V3
.17 -?
Hypoglossal + lingual .1
Lingual + glossopharyngeal .2
.18 ?sublingual caruncle-
.2 -
.3 -

? .19
Lacrimal .1
Ethmoid .2
Palatinal .3
Maxillary .4
Greater wing of sphenoid .5
? .
? .20
, , .2
, .3
? .21
.Greater palatine n .1
.Nasopalatine n .2
.Lesser palatine n .3
+ .4
++ .5
?7 .22
Foramen rotundum .1
Foramen ovale .2
Stylomastoid foramen .3
? .zygomaticofacial n- .23
Facial .1
Accessory .2
Trigeminal .3
Hypoglossal .4
?superior orbital fissure- .24
CN V1 .2
Superior ophthalmic vein .3
.Infraorbital n .4
?waldeyer's ring- .25
? inferior alveolar artery- .26
.Maxillary a .1
.Facial a .2
? .lingual a- .27
Internal carotid .1
External carotid .2
Internal maxillary .3
External maxillary .4
?CN V1 .28


?Mandibular ?

.29 ?.lingual a-
Submental .1
Muscular .2
Lesser's triangle .3
Carotid triangle .4
.30 ?
Medial pterygoid .1
Trigeminal .2
Lateral pterygoid .3
.31 :
Meckel cave .1
Antrum of highmore .2
rathke's pouch .3
.32 ?
. 33 ) ,
hypoglossal .1
glossopharyngeal .2
trigeminal .3
Facial .6
.34 ?hypoglossal-
.2 12
.3 -

.35 ?genial tubercles-

.2 mylohyoid line-
.4 stylomandibular ligament-
.36 ?bell's palsy- ) 7 (
.37 ?foramen lacerum-
.internal carotid a .1
.external carotid a .2
.facial n .3
. 38 ) ?(
.hypoglossal n .1
.lingual n .2
chorda tympani .3

.39 1 .pterygopalatine ganglion- ?1-
.40 2 .infraorbital nerve- ?
.41 3 . ?
.2 )??(
9 .
.43 .facial a-
1 .
3 nasolacrimal duct-
4 pharyngotympanic tube-
.44 ? 1,2,3,4
.45 ? ,1,2,3,4
.46 ,nasolacrimal duct? 1,2,3,4-

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