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AP Calculus AB Trapezoid, Integration, & Geogebra Rubric

Part 1 Trapezoid Rule

Pick one of the scenarios outlined, use the trapezoidal rule to solve, and present your findings (in
appropriate costume) to the class (maximum 2 groups per topic).

Ford Mustang Cobra

Filling a Swamp
Running A Marathon
Coal Gas
Swimming Pool
Part 2 Integration using Geogebra
Geogebra Instructions

Complete a picture using geogebra with at least 5 areas calculated by hand,

computer, and/or graphing calculator.

Grading Scale
30 pts
30 pts
20 pts
10 pts
10 pts
100 pts

Trapezoid calculations and presentation

Geogebra calculations and presentation

Overall Presentation, Neatness, and Demonstration of Following Directions
Fair Division of Work Paper Assessment & Oral Presentation
Promptness - Meeting all due dates
(10 pts = on time or 10 pts off for each day late) Nov 5th
Total Possible Points

AP Calculus AB Disk, Washer, & Cross Sectional Method Rubric

The goal of this project is to creatively demonstrate how
area and volume of solids use calculus concepts.
1. 10 Groups using both classes.
2. Each group will need three different items to demonstrate the disk, washer, and cross
sectional volume of the selected items. (Popular items goblets, pottery, butterfly wings,
Hershey kisses, and fresh/plastic food items.)
1. Each group will need to accurately trace the graph of each selected item on graph paper.
Use data analysis to find a function to model the curve. (Calculator regression, Excel, etc)
Use calculus techniques to calculate the volume of the selected item. Be careful of units.
Include units with your groups graph.
2. Part 1 Disk Method Item: Collect data, obtain data list, create data function, graph
selected item, provide calculus procedures including a sketch, & calculated area and
3. Part 2 Washer and/or Shell Method Item: Collect data, obtain data
list, create data function, graph, provide calculus procedures including a
sketch of the solid, calculated volume, & use specific units.
4. Part 3 Cross Section Method Item: Collect data, obtain data list,
create data function, graph, provide calculus procedures including a sketch
of the solid, calculated volume, & 3 D graph demonstrating the cross
sections. The cross section can be any shape except a rectangle. The
materials can be no thicker than 0.25 inches. Your model must be at least 6 inches long.
There must be at least 24 laminations. The base can be any non-linear function.
Combinations of functions are allowed.
(For examples, do a Google search for calculus cross section project/images.)
5. Prior Approval must be obtained from the teacher; no two groups may have the same
object as part of his/her project.
6. Part 4 Lab Write - up: Each student will need to write a "Clean & Legal" 3paragraph Written Summative paper using the Right-hand corner margin technique from
previous projects. The 1st paragraph of the paper needs to contain an explanation of what
each person in the group contributed to the project activity, the 2nd paragraph needs to
explain what was gained from this activity (other than weight ha ha ha), and the 3rd
paragraph needs to connect this activity with a career and tell the benefits of using
calculus that involves the area of shapes and the volume of solids.
7. Within the calculations of the area & volume state the solution method used: vertical,
horizontal slices, disks, washers, or shells etc. Several calculus approaches should be
accurately demonstrated within this project.
8. Grading Scale:
10 pts
Part 1 Disk Method results
20 pts
Group Portion Part 2 Washer and/or Shell Method results
20 pts
Part 3 Cross Section Method results
Part 4 Lab Write up of Written Summative (TYPED!)
10 pts
Accuracy of Mathematics & Level of Difficulty
20 pts
Neatness, Creativity, Visual Appearance, and Presentation of Project
10 pts
10 pts
Promptness (10 pts = on time or 10 pts off for each day late) Dec 17th
Total Possible Points
9. Good Luck & Have Fun!

Volumes of Solid with Known Cross-Section and Area using
left, right and trapezoidal Riemann Sum
Make a physical model of a solid with a known cross section on a base with a
standard function. You may work with a partner on this project. You will also be
computing the area of the base. The following guidelines apply:
1) The cross section can be any shape except a rectangle.
2) The materials can be no thicker than 0.25 inch. Your model must be at
least 6 inches long. There must be at least 24 laminations.
3) The base can be any non-linear function. Combinations of functions are
Your project must have the following information:
1) Clearly defined functions (formula of the functions)


2) Explanation in your own words of what the cross section looks like
(4 points)
3) Curve of functions sketched accurately (different from the base of your
(4 points)
4) In excel, calculate the area of each rectangle and trapezoid to compute
estimated area
(6 points)
with approximations using left, right, trapezoidal Riemann sum (in excel).
5) The total area of the rectangles and trapezoids in your model.
(9 points)
Using an excel spreadsheet; please also calculate the total area of the base
24 rectangles and trapezoids
50 rectangles and trapezoids
100 rectangles and trapezoids
200 rectangles and trapezoids
6) The actual area of the base using a definite integral.
If your problem is not integrable, you may use the
Numerical Integration feature of your calculator. (Please ask me if youre not
(4 points)
7) The computed volume for each slice (in excel)
(6 points)
8) The total volume of the slices in your model
Using an excel spreadsheet; please also calculate the volume of:
24 slices
50 slices
100 slices
200 slices
For each estimation, calculate the percentage of error versus theoretical
volume. On your poster board, you will display the estimated volume using

24 slices only and the percentage error of each estimation. Send the excel
spreadsheet electronically to me at
9) The actual volume as defined by a definite integral.
If your problem is not integrable, you may use the
Numerical Integration feature of your calculator.


AP Calculus AB Treasure Hunt Rubric

The goal of this project is to creatively review the mathematical material covered in AP Calculus AB.
1. Each team of 3 students will create a Clean and Legal Mathematical Treasure Map using
information from class on various types of treasure maps and or for map structural hints:
a. Navigator - Map Reader
b. Accountant Paper configurations / Writer
c. Calculator Expert
2. Each Treasure Map and/or Scavenger Hunt of Clues will contain Clean and Legal AP Calculus
AB Chapters 1 7 review problems that when solved lead to the number of paces a person should
take or a specific room location using the 2nd floor of the school as the Island for the Treasure.
a. 12 math review problems (approximately 2 per chapter)
b. Mathematical Limerick as a clue to the treasures secret (example: The Teacher)
c. Pictures to create the Islands terrain.
The Teacher
There is a teacher from Leeds
Who swallowed a packet of seeds
And in less than an hour
Her nose was a flower
And her hair was a bundle of weeds.
(From Stephen Gallagher
Limerick Pattern: a a b b a
3. Students will hide a Clean and Legal small treasure: candy bar, small gift, etc. for their classmate
treasure hunters to find using the Treasure Chests provided by the Instructor.
4. Students will devise a way to be recognized as Treasure Hunters abiding by the School Dress Code
Policy i.e. T-shirts, badges, costumes, etc.
5. Grading Scale:
30 pts
Treasure Map
30 pts
Mathematical problems (Solutions & problems given to instructor)
20 pts
Team Work & Treasure Hunting Identification
10 pts
Small Treasure
10 pts
Promptness & Neatness (10 pts = on time or 10 pts off for each day late) Jan 6th
100 pts
Total Possible Points
6. This Assignment will count as Unit Test 8 and Lab 4 (Grades = 100, 95, 90- tentative, 80, 70, 60, 50,
20, or 0) if all requirements are met.

7. Good Luck Mates & Have Fun!

Scenario 1 Ford Mustang Cobra

The accompanying table shows time-to-speed data for a 1994 Ford Mustang Cobra accelerating
from rest to 130 mph. How far had the Mustang traveled by the time it reached this speed? (Use
trapezoids to estimate the area under the velocity curve, but be careful: the time intervals vary in
length.) Find the same statistics for a popular racing type car on the market today and repeat the
process. Were the good old days better days for muscle cars?

Scenario 2 Filling a Swamp

Scenario 3 Marathon

Scenario 4 Coal Gas

Scenario 5 Swimming Pool (Trapezoid Rule)

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