What Distinguishes The Jihadi Group Is Its Celebration and Exhibition of Violence

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What distinguishes the jihadi group is its celebration and exhibition of violence, using it
as a weapon with which to terrorise the population it aims to dominate, and to attract
media attention.in order to be constantly on our screens, in competition with other
violent groups, isis has escalated its violence.

Jabhat al-nusra initially received support in men and arms from

former zarqawi supporters in iraq, then the self-proclaimed .
al-Qaeda or similar groups, analysts have a choice of two approaches:
to look at their ideology and discourse, or to look at the socio-political
context in which they evolved.
Choosing one or the other exclusively can lead to blind spots. If we
stress ideology, then we put all Salajihadi groups in the same
basket, much like the Bush administration did after 9/11 with its with
us or against us approach, equating Osama bin Ladens al-Qaeda with
the Taliban, as well as with the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG).
Nor does it help us understand why various jihadi groups are massacring each other in Syria
today. Overemphasising the socio-political context would underplay
jihadisms development as the new ideology of armed struggle in the
post-Cold War era, and the Salajihadi dogma which provides
justication and guidelines for those planning violent action.

2. Jihadi groups were again isolated and desperate. Many made their adjustments,
like lifg
Or egypts islamic jihad, from prison, renouncing their previous position of
declaring the authorities apostates, as well as the use of force. Many former
followers of salafijihadi movements argued not only that they had become
inefficient, but that dictatorial and corrupt regimes were left with a last
legitimation: defending society from jihadi terrorism. In the first year of the
arab spring many former jihadi groups abandoned strict ideology to become
reformists and engage in legal political activities. Abdelhakim belhadj, former
leader of the lifg, began to accept the democratic process. In jordan, the large
salajihadi movement staged several peaceful demonstrations in early 2011
in amman, asking for the liberation of their imprisoned brothers. They even
organised a press conference to explain their views to the public.


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