To What Extent Could The Narrator Put The Reader in The Shoes of Person With Autism

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To what extent could the narrator put the reader in the role of person with autism?

The book, The curious incident of the dog at the night time is narrated on first person so,
readers can see the world literary from the shoes of Christopher, principal character of the
history, who has autism. From there people can understand the world in a very subjective way,
like autistic people do, so it shows how difficult is to carry a family which has an autistic person.
For example it could be hard to go out from house with them because they are afraid of the
world outdoors, some of them became Algunos pueden volverse hiperactivos, agresivos,

destructivos o impulsivos. Otros pueden lastimarse a s mismos de manera intencional.and

so, it could be hard to take interpersonal relationships between someone and the autistic
Al most of modern families uses to take part on social events like dinners, meetings and
reunions where is supposed to being all the family. A person who has autism syndrome needs
a special treatment, a kind of nanny, however it is not common to has a nanny everywhere
taking care of an adult, if not, it could be, embarrassing and hard to assist and explain that
person how the world works, or to explain somebody why the person is different to others
specially on a society which does not understand, if does, society is not broadminded to accept
someone different, like an autism person, so it could be hard to go out from house with them
because they are afraid of the world outdoors and act with fear.
An autistic person is not able to
It may be too difficult to communicate or understand them because they are inhibited on
themselvesit could be hard to take interpersonal relationships between someone and the
autistic person.
Christophers condition causes him to see the world in a very subjective way, and as a result
the reader may often interpret events differently than Christopher does. What role does this
difference between Christophers understanding of events and the readers understanding of
events play in the novel?

An autistic person is inhibited on oneself but it does not mean they are un capable to be better
than (us) normal person, in some other science

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