Item Short Title Key Point (What?) Basis For Selection (Why?)

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Item Short Title

Key Point (What?)

Basis for Selection (Why?)

Team members: _____ _______________________________

Team No. __________

Class meeting(s) addressed: _________________

Before uploading your teams input, please:

Be sure you download and use this format only. That really helps me when I
consolidate inputs from all teams. By contrast, an Excel spreadsheet, even if in this
format, increases my workload. Even a Word document that is close can add
complexity to my consolidating task. Please dont add extra indentation, blank lines,
etc. I expect to deliver four courses this semester, each with a similar assignment.
Your cooperation will help me minimize my turn-around time and, consequently, the
value to you.

Complete the last block with identifying datateam and meeting. This is a doublecheck on Blackboard.

Use a filename that identifies your team, for example, team3_HL1.docx. Blackboard
adds an online ID label, but, again a time issue for me, knowing that p123j456 is a
member of Team 3 speeds my task.

If necessary, refer to the instructions for this assignment in Blackboard for a sample

These notes are reminders for you when creating your input. Please delete them prior
to saving and uploading your submission.

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