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1 point

2 points

3 points

Attention to

The student was

distracting. The
instructor had to
verbally rebuke
the student
more than

The student was

slightly distracting
during the
presentation. The
instructor had to
verbally rebuke the
student at least once.
Electronics may have
been used

The student was quiet and attentive

towards the instructor. The
instructor did not need to verbally
rebuke the student at all. The
student did not have her/his phone
out. No distractions were caused.


The student did

not even
attempt to
participate. The
student did not
volunteer to

This assessment area

is pass or fail. There
is no 2 point value

The student either asked questions

about the topic or volunteered to
participate in the games/activities.
The student may have participated
in a game. The student was clearly
mentally engaged with the
presentation, and he/she completed
all writings that were required.

The worksheet
was not
completed, and
no group work

The worksheet was

completed on time and
turned in at the end of
class, but the student
did not actively
participate in her/his

The student actively participated

with the group. The worksheet was
completed on time and turned in at
the end of class.

Group Work
and Worksheet

Grammar 101 Rubric

Assessment Areas Include Attention, Participation, and Group
Work/Worksheet Completion

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