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Copyright and

Fair use
Ashlee Pope
23 September 2015

Explaining Copyright and
fair use
This video explains the many mistakes people make when taking
materials and using them for projects, or even just to show their friends.
It explains the concept of copyright materials and fair use and how we
differentiate what is okay and what isnt.

Citation: Librarian, J. [Copyright Clearance Center]. (2010 September

24). Copyright Basics. [Video File]. Retrieved From

Define Copyright
The exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an
assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary,
artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the

Citation: "Google." Google. Accessed September 26, 2015.

Define Fair Use

(in US copyright law) the doctrine that brief excerpts of copyright material may,
under certain circumstances, be quoted verbatim for purposes such as criticism,
news reporting, teaching, and research, without the need for permission from or
payment to the copyright holder.

Citation: "Google." Google. Accessed September 26, 2015.

How to Avoid Copyright

Know what copyrights
protect: This includes everything from films,
music, and text to photographs, paintings, and drawings
Dont take things from the internet and assume you dont need to cite
it: But I got it from the internet! is not an excuse
Fair use should not be something to always rely on: If in doubt ask
Citation: Wiki, How. "How to Avoid Copyright Infringement." How to Avoid Copyright
Infringement. Accessed September 26, 2015.


How do we know when it is

fair use?

In this link above, you will find a checklist that you can use to help you determine if
something is fair use or not.
How Do I Know Without the Checklist?
You should not use material for commercial purposes. Teaching, research, etc. are
appropriate reasons
You should only use as much as you need to meet your learning/teaching objective
You must obtain the copy from a legal source-- not a pirated source
Material copied and given to students should contain this message: The following contains copyrighted
material that has been copied under fair use provisions. Any further copying or use may not qualify as fair use and may be a violation of
copyright law resulting in criminal or civil penalties.

Citation: Staff, Faculty and. "Fair Use." Fair Use. Accessed September 26, 2015.

Examples of CopyRight

Joey is a huge fan of the movie Inside Out, he decides to record the movie with his smart phone so he can watch it whenever he
wants. His friend Sam likes the movie as well so Joey sends him a copy of his recording.
This is copyright material, Joey has committed a crime by recording the movie in the first place, and has committed an
even bigger crime by giving a copy to his friend, Sam. He needs to pay for the movie to avoid pirating and copyright
infringement crimes.
Jessica bought the newest Spice Girls CD. Her friend Temry loves this CD too but doesnt have the money to buy it herself.
Jessica decides to burn Temry a copy and sell it to her for half the price she paid for it originally.
Jessica did the right thing by buying the CD at first, however, after she burned the CD and then sold it to her friend she
committed a serious crime and could end up paying a high fine or even spending jail time.

examples of Fair Use

1. Employing Copyrighted Material as the Object of Social, Political or
Cultural Critique
2. Quoting Copyrighted Works of Popular Culture to Illustrate an
Argument of Point
3. Capturing Copyrighted Media Content in the Process of Filming
Something Else
Example: If you are filming something and there is a sign/poster in the
background or if there is music playing in the background
4. Using Copyrighted Material in a Historical Sequence
CMSI. "Examples of Successful Fair Use in Documentary Film." Center for Media & Social Impact. 2010.
Accessed September 26, 2015.

what happens if you get caught

with copyright infringement
Civil Lawsuit: The owner of the material may sue you for using his/her works without permission

Criminal Charges: According to the U.S. Department of Justice, first-time copyright infringement cases
can carry a fine of up to $250,000 and up to five years in prison. If you get caught more than once in a
copyright-infringement case, you could face additional fines of up to $250,000 and up to 10 years in
prison. (When in doubt, ask permission!!!)
Damaged Reputation: Some serious cases can be seen on the headlines of newspapers and even see
time on the news channel. This can damage the reputation of not only yourself, but your company,
your family, and any future relationships.
All of these lead to loss of money and loss of respect. It is NOT worth it. Always make 100% sure you are
following the law with copyright materials.
Citation: Ingram, David. "Things That Can Happen When You Get Caught Breaking Copyright Laws." LegalZoom: Legal Info.
Accessed September 26, 2015.

Image Citation:


To LIghten the Mood

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