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Cells in Science
An Introduction: Chapter 2 (Lesson 3)
A summary of the chapter

Vocab Word/Question
Chemical Compounds in Cells
Compounds that are not energy rich are:
How can a lack of water effect cell
Multicellular Organization
Name the inorganic compound found in

Is any substance that cannot be broken down into simpler

Form when two or more elements combine chemically
Proteins and nucleic acids do not give us energy.
Cells would not hold their shape
The chemical reactions would not take place
It keeps the cell from changing temperatures quickly
The smallest unit of many compounds
Sugars and starches
Cell to tissue to organs to organ systems

Name some foods that are high in protein

Are compounds that are made mostly of carbon and hydrogen

and some oxygen. Cell membranes consist mostly of lipids.
Large organic molecules made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen,
nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur.
Meats, nuts, dairy products, fish, beans


Speed up chemical reactions in living things.

Nucleic acids

Are very long organic molecules. They contain the instructions

that the cells need to carry out all the functions of life.
They consist of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and
Takes part in many chemical reactions in cells, helps cells keep
their shape, helps cells change temperature slowly, helps carry
substances into and out of cells.
Chemical reactions would not be able to take place, cells could
not keep their shape, cells might die if the cells temperature
changed quickly.
Why, explain (be able to explain).


Water plays important roles in cells

How could the lack of (not having water)

affect the function of cells?

What do you think is the most important

part of a cell?
Study page 52 and 53 in your text book for parts of the cells and their functions.

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