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OCTOBER 23, 2015

Hammerschmidt/Hazzard-Reeds 5th grade Team

Coming Up!

Ongoing: Get your Box Tops in

to help defer costs of field trips,

Please send child to

school with a change
of clothes, as 1/2 of
our students have
gym that day, and
would be more comfortable OUT of costume.

October 27: Book Orders Due

October 30: Costume Contest and
Fall activity rotations
Nov. 6: 1/2 day: dismissal at
Nov. 11 & 12: Student Led Par-


Homemade Applesauce
Sir Isaac Newton brought Last week, with the donation from Camryns family, we were
able to make and enjoy homemade applesauce. The students
us 3 Laws of Motion:
were faced with little mini challenges that required them to
Know this vocabulary:
think on their feet. With a little guidance from Mrs. Gourlay,
Force, Unbalanced Force, Mrs. Williams and Ms. Jazzmin, they did a phenomenal job,
Inertia, Momentum, Mass, and the end result was delicious.

Acceleration, Velocity,

274 S. West St. Coloma
Phone: 269-468-2415
classroom cell: 269-487-7046 (text message updates)

Using our new skills to expand
our knowledge of double digit
by double digit multiplication
AND beginning division next
week. Did you know that multiplication and division are related?
Practice FACT families:

In Language Arts this week we are filling in a story line to go along with The Black
Pearl. We started with our setting, La Paz, Mexico and are filling in the rising action.
1. Ramon joins the family pearl business
2. Ramon goes out with the fleet and listens to the Sevillano tell stories.
3. Ramon learns how to dive from Soto Luzon
4. Ramon finds the Great Pearl of Heaven.
5. Luzon Warns Ramon that the Manta will want his pearl back.
6. Dealers make Ramons dad mad so he gives the pearl to the church.
7. Theres a horrible storm and the fleet is lost except the Sevillano.
8. Ramon steals the pearl from the church to return to the Mantas Cave.
9. The Sevillano follows Ramon to the Lagoon and gets the pearl to sell it.
We are heading towards the climax, falling action and resolution. Stay tuned for
the exciting conclusion!

Voyageur Canoe
Field Trip by Mrs.
AM and PM Classes

Thursday we went on a field trip to Paw Paw Lake. There we paddled in Voyageur canoes like the French Voyageurs that traded furs with the Native Americans.
When we got there, Rob, a naturalist from Sarett, began by telling us about the French
Voyageurs. He told us where the Voyageurs paddled from and to. They would paddle from
Montreal, on the Saint Lawrence River, and travel to Lake Superior and as far as St. Joseph
River on Lake Michigan. At their stops, they traded muskets, knives, firewater, beads, mirrors, and pots and pans for beaver furs from the Native Americans.
When the French Voyageurs traveled, this is what life was like. Firstly, they voyaged
for 14 hours a day. Next, they carried 2 tons of food and supplies under their seats. Also,
they had cups tied to their wrists so they could scoop water to drink. In order to keep the
bugs away, they put animal grease on their skin and they didnt bathe. It made them stink to
keep insects away. Finally, at night, they put a wool blanket down, flipped the canoe, and
slept under it.
Next we all got our paddles and life jackets. Then Rob told us how to correctly hold
the paddle and row. He also taught us some French words such as, Oui which means
yes, Millieu which means the middle Voyageurs, Alles get ready, Arrete stop and
Bonjour hello.
After we got into the giant, birchbark canoes, we started going and the naturalists
started teaching us four ways to paddle. The first was the normal (standard) row saying one,
two, three in French: un, deux, trois. The second was a fancy row that had Un, deux, trois
and then hey while sticking your paddle out to the side. Thirdly was Un, deux, trois, hey,
ho, hey, paddle out to the side, vertical, back out to the side and paddle again. Lastly, we
said, Un, deux, trois, hey, ho and then we switched our vertical wooden paddles with our
partner, said Hey again and went back to rowing.
We ended our field trip with a race between the canoes. Paddling up next to each
other, we all cried Bonjour, Voyageurs! and invited each other to a friendly race. We
rowed as fast as we could, but it ended in a tie. We had a blast! The best field trip ever!

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