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This is a simple procedure, and it is important to keep

it simple in the OSCE. It is one that you will probably

have done many times before on real patients, and if
this station is given to you in the exam, it is no less than
a gift.

Venepuncture in general
Common sites for venepuncture include the ante
cubital fossa, forearm and dorsum of the hand. It is
likely that you will get a manikin model of an upper
limb, with a very prominent vein.
If blood is taken downstream of an intravenous
cannula through which fluid is running, it is very
likely that the results obtained will be of doubtful

As the manikin may have been used several times
before, you will be able to see where it has previously
been punctured, but it may not necessarily give you a
blood sample. This may well be due to some fault in the
manikin rather than in your technique, so a demonstra
tion of your safe technique is more important than
actually obtaining a blood sample.
If you are presented with an actor from whom you
are asked to obtain consent or explain what you are
doing, it is vital to be polite and courteous.

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