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I can feel your fingers inside my own

Why don't you see it? I'm trying to let you go,

But you're gripping too tightly for me to release ...


Someone rolled the dice

The sound of it resonates in my head Like an echo of a foot step Reverberating in my past

The rook is taken by a pawn

Playing chess with the devil is never easy You'll always lose, but first, you'll be played Yes! Played and made to spin ...

Spun on one foot, like a dancer

A blind dancer, unable to see where they are going Cymbals, or perhaps trumpets,

Blare, make a noise like a crash

A thundering crash

It's only wasted noise

My chest splits in two

Heart bursting from the center, like the trumpets draw it out. ..

Why is it not understood

That the sky will never change colors, if too many are waiting for it? Can no one see? The queen is in danger

From naught but a pawn-a pawn!

But she is moved immediately

The devil is cunning: he sees

Water boils, but not if watched.

Does the same not apply to the sky?

The sun will not set, if everyone desires night. It is when I wish for the day to never end

That the night appears ...

I see it inside him It is a hole

A gap too wide to fill with an apology And why apologize?

Have I done anything wrong? I've only killed him

I had to watch him die; was that not repayment enough? I destroyed my own self, made it right again

We are even

Aren't we?

Time escapes me

It eludes us all

Everyone out there loses the numbers They're only minutes; how can they matter? Seconds mean nothing to the devil

He is a master at speed chess

An hour, a rninute, a second: it's all the same to him Another pawn is used to remove the second rook

It seems like just yesterday

When the leaves first adorned the trees Today they fall to the ground

Already .. ,

He can remember that moment It was dreary, but not cold Warm

Like the blood that once passed through his brain Like his soul used to be

Before it was banished

It's not my fault

Didn't he get better? He looked alright Looked himself again .. ,

Too many lights Hash at night Whatever happened to darkness? When a breeze would pass

And all brightness was extinguished with naught but a whisper You whispered those things into the dark

The dark that was not really there .. ,

And so is taken the Knight."

There are walls everywhere

Walls that collect-nay, capture thoughts And hold them until payment is received I need them back

But why should I pay? What do I owe? "Check"",

It is an old trick Distraction

One moment, the board is full The next moment comes

And where have the pawns gone? Every one of them has been taken Already

But where went the time?

It fell from the trees, and now lies Among the leaves on the ground ...

There is no such thing as loneliness

It is merely a misperception of the mind It is only a word

Like heartbreak

It does not really exist

For if it did, it would sound the same in every language Every way to speak would be the same

Does anything exist, then

Or are they all just symbols created from letters? Symbols that exist,

And can only be seen in a mind But I see nothing

Have I lost my mind?

Or did you take it with you?

Have you also absconded with my heart? You needed it

For I left you with none of your own Only a vague emptiness

Vague, because there was nothing left to truly feel it with ...

A peculiar thing, wool

For it exists both soft:ly, and coarsely Voices are like wool

They are odd, for the same voice can be gentle, or rouqh Like a firework:

Beautiful, or terrifying What is beauty?

It is a word

Take comfort: for it does not exist. ..

Who made that decision that stole my sleep? Who made the move that stole the bishop? Whatever became of those pawns?

You are no longer soft to the touch

Cold like stone

Your sOLiI is only ice

One sheet of ice

Your body is riddled lhrouqh with it Your eyes reflect it...

He stared into her soul with those eyes Held her still with that ice

And then he took the other knight

And she never knew

I'll never know where the pawns went...

The string orchestra cries They have lost the music

They cannot think of new music

They have no thought beyond a page Much like you

If I were to tear Lip the papers You would be lost...


Give me more

I will never get enough I need more

But I don't want it from you ...

Listen! On the wind!

The wind that blows out the light You can hear it scream on the wind It must be rescued

I need to be rescued

But he won't rescue anyone Except himself

He won't defend his last bishop

And he loses it because of his cowardice ...


There are only so many moves left Then it will be over

Love, wait for it to end

But the devil never gives up His game does not end ...

Oh, then, why does it begin?

Why do your emotions seem like learned behavior? They appear to be nothing,

Nothing more than robotic reflex

Programmed into you from the moment you were created Do you feel anything at all?

As what's left of you disintegrates Will you do nothing?

Is this cold, sharp thing that tears at me steel Or ice

Or you?

Where did you go?

And when did you return? Did you return at all?

Or was that a rumor too?

Rumors are only words that exist in the mind ...

Our hearts beat hard

But they create only silence All hearts at once

Trillions of hearts

Beat like thunder

And yet

Those ears hear nothing "Betrayal is silent,"

He whispers to me ...

There are only two pieces left Two pieces, up against an army An army of Pawns ...

I remember that place

There were crosses everywhere And I watched you die

And suffer among the crosses Just like The Savior

But you never returned

He came back

But you didn't

You were my savior

Now you're just a symbol

A symbol made up of letters

Just a word brought to life by my mind ...

The rain isn't wet anymore

When it touches the ground, it turns to powder Maybe dust

I have no power left to cry No fluids in me

Just dust

I'm empty

Just like you

I would apologize

If this would all go away Only I know it won't

Apologies can make no difference now ...

The colors of the world fade Only black and white remain

I can feel myself becoming cold and marbleized The cities disappear

And all that I see before me Are pawns

Pawns aren't important Except now

When they're alii see ...

~~! ~~ ol~~r ~awn~

-our pawns-

Where are they all?

All that's left is you and I Facing a battalion of pawns I reach for you

But you're cold and hard You always have been

Why did I never notice before? You were my king

But I can see now you've been a game piece all along I'm being played

I have been from the start ...

The only thing I wish is that I was wrong about him We need him to be brave now

As the spine-tingling voice murmurs "check"

Into what used to be the darkness But now there are too many lights Lights that pollute the night

But the time is wrong for it to be day While we suffered

They created an artificial day Just to spite us ...

He's breathing too calmly He doesn't care

To him,

This is only a game

Why doesn't he realize

The devil plays for keeps? And the game will never end?

I watch in burning agony as she touches his hand I remember that feeling

How soft and warm someone's hand felt under my fingertips I can't remember whose

The light penetrates my head

It storms my fortress through my eyes ...

Cold, icey eyes

Thoughts are held prisoner behind walls Walls the light burns holes through Holes like the one I left you with

The hole that an apology can't fix Forgiveness won't mend it

And the devil smiles as I forget He knows

He's already won ...

I look at our player He isn't brave enough He is a coward

He won't rescue me But ...

It isn't me who needs rescuing It's you

But he won't even do that He won't rescue his king

I feel 'fingers drag me across the black and white Drag me farther from you

It was the wrong move

The wrong move to save you ...

"Checkmate" ...

The pawns have killed you I watch you die again Again


I will never be forgiven

Not by you, or him, or myself And I am alone

By myself on a board of colorless monotony I blink away tears

Maybe they'll wash color back ...

The devil laughs when I blink

He knows what will happen when I blink I open my eyes again

And the game is reset

Like it was never played ...

Your eyes are still warm

No ice, no emptiness

And you feel soft under my fingers And I remember nothing at all

So I kill you again

And a pawn takes the first rook ...

I can't feel the walls building Nor the temperature dropping Nor your blood freezing ...

Time is screwing me again

The sun should have gone down already I wait for it, so I can sleep

But night will never come

And you will never go

One by one, the pawns vanish But I'm too distracted

Too distracted by the grip you retain on my hand I can feel your fingers inside my own

Why don't you see it? I'm trying to let you go,

But you're gripping too tightly for me to release ...

He's playing chess with the devil

And he can't see that he should just leave now It's not too late

Surrendering is not the same as losing Giving in is not a weakness

But a strength

But he's playing chess with the devil And he will never give in.

I'm trying to let you go,

But you're gripping too tightly for me to release.

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