Art of Moriana

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The Art Of Moriana By Danielle Gibbs Moriana When you have forded the river, when you have crossed the mountain pass, you suddenly find before you the city of BU etiTetnM rT: SK mrex- Lee Teyoc-T aco eT MLO Mm eCcomTeTe1 (240 On coral column supporting pediments encrusted with serpentine, ~ villas all of glass like aquariums . shadows of dancing girls with silvery scales swim beneath Piitecelter Beryl Me ete (oc a OU nS i OUne ys youhaveonlyto. === ~~ and you will come into WiC W OF (yur-vel- Wary iilc(elo1m i-locNa@eXpaNSe Obey th yet age(-C-1m metal, sackcloth, planks bristling with spikes, pipes black with soot, piles of tins, blind walls with fading signs, frames of staved-in straw chairs, ropes good only for hanging oneself from a rotten beam. From one part to the other, the city seems to continue, in perspective, multiplying its repertory of images: but instead Pena OGMeses concen h mom Bier erm cals like a sheet of paper, with a figure on either side, which can neither be separated nor look at each other. —— Sa Early Thumbnails Colour Compositions 4 Exterior Shot _@*e a ars e e Low Angle Exterior Shot ‘eV (Ae) ee UP BS 4 Interior Shot es ae

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