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ViewYour session with Marlene Caldes/read all
From:Marlene Caldes <>
Date:Tue, Feb 16, 2010 1:50 pm

Aloha Crystal
Mahalo for your patience!
Above is the url for accessing your mp3 recording of our
session together.
Simply cut and paste into you url address box. It will download right onto
your desktop and you can burn a CD at your convenience. We will send
additional information and your receipt snailmail. Should you have any
difficulties downloading, please let me know. PLEASE REPLY TO THIS EMAIL
BY TYPING â GOT ITâ IN THE SUBJECT LINE. No other message required. Mahalo.
We so appreciate your support of our resource saving service.
After you have had an in-depth consultation, you may have further
questions. Within the course of your session's timeframes an important
decision or option may arise. If you feel inclined to touch base with me
to gain additional insight about what is going on, choices on how to
proceed and/or your next best strategies, call for a 15 minute Recap which
is available by phone. Having second thoughts or needing to clarify some
unanswered questions is most normal. Often, when listening to your
recording of our session together you will hear information you did not
hear before.
A Recap by phone is an invaluable tool for course correcting, staying
clear with your intentions and on task with your authentic actions. It is
ideal for validating recent decisions and actions. Recaps are 15
minutes/$55.00. Certainly, longer session times are available as well. For
more information visit my website, or feel comfortable
calling me anytime at 415-381-0287
IMAGINE THIS! Every single one of our bodies regenerates itself every 7
years. Thatâ s 100 trillion cells! Youâ re sitting here regenerating at the
rate of 1 billion cells per minute! Every single minute that goes by, one
billion new cells are created.
Now, every one of those cells needs a good environment to live
in. Every one of those cells need good building blocks to be healthy and
strong. The uniqueness of the products that youâ ll find on the website, and the genius with which they are created is the
following: They cleanse your blood and organs of impurities and toxins,
then flood your body with pure plant based food nutrients and provides an
excellent transport system by which to deliver those nutrients to all
parts of your body that need them.
We may have discussed your personal desire for optimal health.
To view the products that address your needs, visit my website, and feel comfortable calling me with your questions any
time. It is my passion to share health options in this day and age that
are safe, effective and easy.
Mahalo and Aloha
Many Blessings,
Marlene Caldes
Marlene Caldes works with Fortune 500 executives, international
designers and artists, well known radio, television and cinematic
celebrities, everyday working people and stay at home caregivers.
Marlene can help you navigate your way through any crisis or life
transition with focus, clarity, ease and grace.
If you are standing a crossroad in your life, need to make a decision
and would benefit from seeing the bigger view, call Marlene Caldes or
visit for insight and inspiration.
It's no secret. You get a better life when you get the bigger picture!
I guarantee it and I'll help you do that! Call anytime for your personal
session by phone or in person and enjoy a better life today and share your
good fortune with friends and family.
This email and any attachments thereto may contain private, confidential,
and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any
review, copying, or distribution of this email (or any attachments
thereto) by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended
recipient, please contact the sender immediately and permanently delete
the original and any copies of this email and any attachments thereto.
Many Blessings,
Marlene Caldes/InnerVoice Network
Quantum Age Radio
61 Camino Alto suite 101
Mill Valley, Ca. 94941
415 381-0287
Health & Wellness Info:
Isagenix International Distributor
For information and to order directly online visit
or for in depth information, click below:
Transform Your Life
Cleansed for Life from Isagenix® International
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Taking care of your health is an act of self love.
The secret of success is

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