By: Ryan Mulvihill

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By: Ryan Mulvihill

Smog follows the story of Dani. A girl that lives in a city in the sky called Azura.
Dani is special because she has powerful premonitions about the future. Mother, the
dictator and supreme ruler of Azura, wants to capture Dani and use her powers as a
weapon against the underground revolutionists. The underground revolutionists are led
by a man named Ignatius. Smog is a constant battle between good and bad. Deciding
right from wrong. Danis struggle to stay alive and to break the chain of power and
corruption in Azura.

The show Smog is set in a city in the sky called Azura. The city is miles above
the surface of the ground, but the world is filled with so much pollution that you cannot
see the ground. The pollution collects at the bottom of the city like low clouds around a
high mountain. Inside the city, the citizens are split up by class. Higher class citizens live
in penthouse mansion suites at the top and lower class citizens live in urban slums at
the bottom. Azura is completely sealed from the polluted world outside; however, there
is still weather through simulation programs inside the city. No one can venture outside
Azura without protective suits and breathing gear.

Plot Line
Smog is about a girl named Dani that lives in a post apocalyptic city in the sky
called Azura. The world is full of pollution and the last remaining survivors live in the city

in the sky. There is so much pollution in the atmosphere that you cant see the ground,
and people need special suits to breathe outside the city. Azura is divided by class, with
high class citizens living at the top and low class citizens living at the bottom of the city
in the smog. Azura is controlled by a female dictator called Mother by the citizens.
The citizens of Azura fear and trust Mother. Lower class workers collect resources from
outside the city, with the help of robots, using faulty equipment. Many men and women
who work outside the city die because of the conditions they must work through. The
high class citizens get the resources collected by the lower class citizens first, and then
it trickles down the city. Lower class citizens are planning a revolution from the dictator
mother. Dani has premonitions about the future, and she sees bad things happening.
Danis premonitions either happen at that moment of the premonition, or they havent
happened yet. Everyone has microchips in their brain so that they can be monitored by
Mothers government and used for information and thought control. The underground,
aka lower class revolutionists, have the technology to scramble/destroy/revert or extract
these microchips. Many people are fed up with mother as a dictator and they seek out
the leader of the underground to remove the microchips. As more people go, the
underground grows stronger. Mother sends some people as spies, but they are killed.
The leader of the underground has unorthodox methods of obtaining what he wants.
Dani has premonitions about everything that is happening to both sides. Because of the
microchips, Mother finds out about Danis premonitions and wants to use Dani as a
weapon against the underground. Danis friend, Jeremy, tries to help her reach the
underground because the underground is fighting for justice. Jeremy eventually tricks
Dani into a trap by Mother, because Mother has his family and has threatened to kill

them if he doesnt cooperate. Jeremy turns her in, but he and his family were killed
anyways for treason, right in front of Dani. She is captured and is put into a transport
vehicle to take her to Mothers headquarters. While she is being transported the vehicle
is hit with an explosion, and Dani blacks out. Dani wakes up in a poorly lit room. The
leader of the underground introduces himself and talks to her. Dani decides to join the
underground and help their cause. End Pilot episode.

Character Descriptions
Mother: Supreme ruler of the known world, and dictator of Azura. Mother is known to
wear all pink or all black, depending on her mood. She is not afraid to get her hands
dirty to get what she wants. Mother is a tall slender woman in her late forties. She has
silver hair and a bright smile. But dont let that deceive you.
Dani: Girl in her early twenties that lives in a middle class area of the city. Dani is a
tough but emotional girl, and she lives alone. Dani is the protagonist of this story
because she has powerful vivid premonitions about events that are happening around
her, or events that havent happened yet.
Grimlok, Second in command: Does Mothers bidding. Not afraid to get his hand dirty
or covered in blood. Grimlok is a large burly man that is bald and has a crescent shaped
scar on his face. He has killed many people with his bare hands.
Ignatius, Underground Leader: Ignatius is the leader of the underground
revolutionists. He is in his upper twenties and has flowing black hair. Ignatius is a
brilliant and strategic leader. He is compassionate, but when is comes to mission
objectivity, he rarely lets anything get in the way.

Jeremy (Danis best friend): A lower class young man in his early twenties. Jeremy
and Dani have been friends since they were kids. Jeremy is an attractive young man,
but he is very poor, and his family has trouble eating and bathing sometimes.
Troopers: Expendable soldiers under Mothers command. Troopers are not the
smartest people to hold guns.

Dani is lying in bed at her apartment asleep. There is a thunderstorm brewing outside,
with torrential down pours and flashes of lightning. Dani is having a vivid dream of a
secret meeting between various shady characters that she doesnt know. It is also
raining in her dream. Dani then starts dreaming of herself. She is watching herself sleep
by her bedside. Lightning strikes outside the window twice and someone in her dream
kicks down her door and screams, There she is! The person grabs Dani. Dani jolts
That was a strange dream.
Dani looks at the window. She hears the screaming boom of two lightning cracks. The
door suddenly gets kicked down. A man in an all white protective robot suit stumbles in
and screams.
There she is!
Dani leaps out of bed and manages to escape to her bathroom and lock it.
Who are you people?!
What do you want?!
Dani hears mumbling behind the door. She leans close to the door to hear.
Ok, well bust down the door in three.

The troopers bust down Danis bathroom door. All they find is an empty bathroom with a
small window open above the tub. The curtains are drawn back and rain is pouring in
through the gaping window. The men stand there in silence.
Dani approaches an aging house. The home leans dangerously to the side, as if the
wind could blow it over at any moment. Mold and dying vines run along the sides,
adding to the threat of demolition. Dani runs to the door and knocks loudly.
Jeremy? Jeremy, open up!
Footsteps can be heard from inside the home. The door opens. A young man opens the
door. His eyes are bright and clear, and his teeth are white, but in a way that did not
come from toothpaste. His hair and skin are covered with a thin layer of light brown dirt,
as if his last shower or bath was days ago.
Hey. What are you doing here?
Somethings happened. I dont know why, but some people are after me. Can I hide
here? Please?
Jeremy opens the front door wider and motions inside.
Of course, but whats going on?
Dani walks inside the house, shaking water off of her hair and speaking in a rushed

I told you I dont know. I was asleep and then I woke up and then these strange men
were banging on my door and then they broke in and I didnt know what to do so I hid in

the bathroom but then I knew they would just try going in there; I just jumped out the
window and came here and I have no idea whats going on and I just-
Whoa, slow down. You know youre always welcome here. Just try to calm down first.
Here, Ill make you some tea.
Thanks, Jeremy.
Jeremy grins at Dani and gestures to the houses small, makeshift living room area. The
area consists of two old loveseats, both a pale blue which was once a brighter, more
vivid color, and a worn coffee table laden with brown and black liquid stains. Dani sits in
one of the loveseats, attempting to calm her racing heart. Jeremy walks away into the
kitchen area, a small one with a simple range and oven at the very end of the room.
Hey, do you think someone...knows?
Jeremy can be heard boiling water. He calls over his shoulder back to Dani.
I dont know. Maybe. I mean, that would make sense.
How would they have even found out? Wait...thats a dumb question. They know
everything! I cant believe this.
Jeremy approaches Dani with a coffee mug. There is a chip along the rim.
Here. Maybe itll help calm you down.
Dani takes the mug from Jeremy and takes a sip.

Thanks, I appreciate it. I just dont know what to do now. Chances are theyre already
trying to look inside my head right now to find me.
Dani takes another drink of her tea and stands up suddenly.

If theyre coming to get me again I dont want you involved. Im sorry, I shouldnt have
even come here. I dont want them to get you, too.
Jeremy turns his back to Dani and sighs.
Im sorry, too.
For what?
Im sorry, Dani.
Dani sets her mug down on the coffee table. Her vision is beginning to turn blurred, and
her words start to slur.
Whaat are you sh-sorry for? I was the one who c-came heeere. Whoa.
Dani sinks to her knees on the floor, holding her head.
Jeremy, something weird is-ish going on. Help me, my hea-head.
Danis eyes roll into her head, and she collapses onto the floor. Jeremy remains with his
back turned, small tears rolling down his cheeks.
There is a knock from a door next to the kitchen area. Three knocks, quick and in
succession. Jeremy walks over to the door and knocks back- three knocks, quick and in
succession. The door opens. In walk three men in white robotic suits identical to the
ones of Danis intruders.
Man #1
Good job.
Dont say something like that.
The men chuckle to themselves and walk over to Dani. One of the men picks her up
and flings her carelessly over his shoulder.

Man #2
Good work, kid. We may use you again sometime.
Shut up. Where are my parents?
Man #1
You better watch that mouth of yours. Dont forget- were the ones doing you a favor
here. Youd be better remembering that. Come with us if you want to see them, and shut
your trap.
Jeremy avoids looking at Dani as he follows the men out of his house and into their
vehicle parked a ways down the road.
Dani fades in and out of consciousness, then starts to wake up. Her vision is blurred
and her head is throbbing. She looks up around the dark room, and sees the outlines of
people. No details. Just blurred and foggy images of figures.
Blurry Woman
Oh, good youre finally awake.
Wha what?...where am I?... who are you?
Danis vision slowly starts to improve to clarity. She sees the woman and realizes who
the woman is.

Wait Oh my god, Youre Mother.
Dani tries to sit up straighter, but notices that she is tied to an old wooden chair. Her
hands and feet are bound to the chair as if her life is also bound to this old warped piece
of wood.
See. I told you she was smart.
Mother looks around the room at the other figures and giggles.

Dani, is it?
Id like you to meet someone.
Mother gestures towards a shadowy figure in the corner. A large round man steps into
the light. He is not the type of round that comes from eating too many cheeseburgers,
but the type of built body that comes from working many years of manual labor. His
arms are dark with hair, and his head is bald. He has a scar running from the right of his
temple down through his eye and to his lower cheek, almost like a crescent. The eye
with the scar is pale blue, and the veins are obtrusive. He looks Grimacing. Dead inside.
As he steps closer his body grows larger in size.
Id like you to meet my loyal pet, Grimlok.
Say hi Grimlok.
Grimlok looks at Mother, then to Dani and grunts.
He likes you.
Mother giggles excitedly.
Now youre going to tell me what I need to know, Dani, or my pet is going to rip apart
your friend, Jeremy, one limb at a time.
Dani notices Jeremey in the opposite corner of the room. He is bound and gagged, lying
on his side on the floor. He moans. His face is streaked with the paths of dried tear
What do you want?
Its quite simple actually.
I just want you to tell me what you dreamt about this morning.

This morning?
We know that you have dreams that you cant explain. We know you have premonitions
about the future.
Youre not the first person weve monitored to have certain, shall I say, abilities.
Dani looks down at her hands. She clenches them tightly into fists.
Ill tell you what you need to know.
Thats a good girl.
Dani thoroughly explains her dream from the night before. How she witnessed a secret
meeting with shady characters. How the troopers busted down her door and took her in
her dream. How afraid she felt.
When Dani finished Mother caressed her hair and looked into her eyes.
Thank you child. You did the right thing.
Mother then snapped her fingers. Troopers come out of the shadows dragging Jeremys
parents to the middle of the room. They are bound and gagged as well. Then they grab
Jeremy and drag him to the center next to his parents. The troopers put small potato
sacks over their heads. They begin to raise their rifles.
Wait! No! Stop!
I told you what you wanted!
Treasonous behavior is not tolerated in my city.
Mother grins. The men take aim and fire. Dani is blinded and numbed by fury. She
cannot hear. She cannot see. She can only scream... A syringe. Then darkness.

Dani wakes up foggy inside of a moving transport van used to move dangerous
criminals. She is scared.
Jeremy?! Jeremy?!
Im sorry Jeremy. Im so sorry.
Dani begins to cry.
All of the sudden there is a loud explosion. The van jerks to a sudden stop and Dani is
thrown to the floor. There is a second explosion and a bright light. Dani shields her
eyes, but the light and sound are too great. Dani blacks out.
Dani wakes again in another poorly lit room. This time she wakes up free from bindings
in an old cot. A man with slick black hair is sitting in a chair across from her.
We went through a good deal of trouble trying to rescue you.
Rescue me?
Dani sits up and holds her head.
Who are you?
I am a man with similar interests as you.
My name is Ignatius. And dont worry. Youre in a safe place now.
Youre the leader of the underground.
That is correct.
Ignatius studies her momentarily.
Will you join us?

Will you join us?
Dani looks at him intently. Ignatius extends his hand. Dani pauses for a moment. She
extends her arm and they meet. She smiles and he smiles. They share a moment of
mutual understanding.

Dani fades in and out of consciousness, then starts to wake up. Her vision is blurred
and her head is throbbing. She looks up around the dark room, and sees the outlines of
people. No details. Just blurred and foggy images of figures.
Blurry Woman
Oh, good youre finally awake.
Wha what?...where the fuck am I?... who the hell are you?
Danis vision slowly starts to improve to clarity. She sees the woman and realizes who
the woman is.

WaitShit... Oh my god, Youre Mother.
Dani tries to sit up straighter, but notices that she is tied to an old wooden chair. Her
hands and feet are bound to the chair as if her life is also bound to this old warped piece
of wood. Blood is dripping from her wrists where the rope meets her flesh. Dani looks at
her arms.
Does it hurt, you little bitch?
Mother looks around the room at the other figures and giggles.

Dani, is it?
Id like you to meet someone.
Mother gestures towards a shadowy figure in the corner. A large round man steps into
the light. He is not the type of round that comes from eating too many cheeseburgers,
but the type of built body that comes from working many years of manual labor. His
arms are dark with hair, and his head is bald. He has a scar running from the right of his
temple down through his eye and to his lower cheek, almost like a crescent. The eye
with the scar is pale blue, and the veins are obtrusive. He looks Grimacing. Dead inside.
As he steps closer his body grows larger in size.
Id like you to meet my loyal pet, Grimlok.
Say hi Grimlok.
Grimlok looks at Mother, then to Dani and grunts. He clenches his massive fists
together. Red droll falls from his mouth.
He likes you.
Mother giggles excitedly.
Now youre going to tell me what I need to know, Dani, or my pet is going to rip apart
your friend, Jeremy, one limb at a time.
Dani notices Jeremey in the opposite corner of the room. He is bound, lying on his side
on the floor. He moans. His face is streaked with the paths of dried tear lines and is
covered in blood. His shirt is torn and his back is riddled with deep scars and bleeding
lacerations as if it recently kissed the end of a cattle whip, multiple times.
What the fuck do you want?

Its quite simple actually.

I just want you to tell me what you dreamt about this morning.
Why the hell do you want to know that?!

We know that you have dreams that you cant explain. We know you have premonitions
about the future.
Youre not the first person weve monitored to have certain, shall I say, abilities.
Dani looks down at her hands. She clenches them tightly into fists. Blood flows faster
from her wrists.
Dont tell these fuckers anything!
Jeremy gets booted in the face. Blood spews from his lips.
Ill tell you whatever the fuck you need to know.
Thats a good little bitch.
Dani thoroughly explains her dream from the night before. How she witnessed a secret
meeting with shady characters. How the troopers busted down her door and took her in
her dream. How the troopers defiled her. How afraid she felt.
When Dani finished Mother caressed her hair and grabbed her throat with other hand,
while looked into her eyes.
Thank you child. You did the right thing.
Mother then snaps her fingers. Troopers come out of the shadows dragging Jeremys
parents to the middle of the room. They are bound and gagged. Then they grab Jeremy
and drag him to the center next to his parents. A trooper steps on Jeremy, slowly
pushing harder down on his leg. Jeremy screams vehemently. The sound of cracking
bone rings through the room.

Wait! No! Stop!
Stop it goddammit!
I told you what the fuck you wanted!
Mother steps towards Dani and slaps her with full force. Dani was hit hard enough to
cause temporary deafness in her left ear. Throbbing pain shoots through her body. A
high pitched ringing sustains in her ear.
Treasonous behavior is not tolerated in my damn city.
Mother grins and looks at Grimlok. Grimlok walks towards Jeremy and his family in the
middle of the floor. Grimlok picks Jeremy completely off the ground by his hair. Jeremy,
still screaming vehemently is now squirming like a bound ragdoll in the air. Grimlok
brings Jeremy to his mouth and bites down. A loud crack is heard and Jeremys body
goes limp. Grimlok throws Jeremys lifeless body to the ground. His face is no longer
attached. Blood gushes out of Jeremys exposed frontal lobe and his severed jaw,
pooling on the ground around his body. Dani is blinded and numbed by fury. She cannot
hear. She cannot see. She can only scream... scream...scream...A syringe. Then

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