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Community music as an assistant to music education?

Reading the article, I understand more about community music. What is Community
music? After reading, I define it as a kind of music education that anyone in the public can
be involved no matter as a role of a teacher or a student.
I agree that everyone, no matter who they are, should receive a chance to learn and play
music. In the reading, there are different examples of people taking part in community
music programs. I found one example really interesting, that is the prisoners learning and
playing music. I have come across a video on youtube before, showing a group of
prisoners performing in a prison in Philippine. The example is inspiring because it shows
that music education can be held anywhere and it can also act as music therapy to help
the prisoners, in this case.
Reading the article, Im surprised that Community music take place through different
structures. All, however, are facing the same challenges as mentioned in the text: Lacking
government fundings and support. As mentioned in the article, Community music can
assist music education in Canada. In other words, Community music is a form of music
education outside classroom. The government should help promote and be more
supportive to it.
The aim of music education and community music, in my opinion, are the same:
everyone gain an opportunity to play, create, and learn music. Though, as mentioned at
the end of the article, Community music cannot, will not, and should not replace music
education, it is an ideal assistant to music education outside school because it creates a
platform for people from different walks of life to gather together and discuss about music
in their own perspective. Community music is a kind of informal learning for music
Although some challenged community music of the quality or worth, in the artistic
domain, of some forms of music making, and equate CM (community music) with not-sogood music, community music can still be in line with music education. In an educational
perspective, quality of community music can be enhanced through music education. And
at the same time, community music helps learners to explore more on music outside class
which also provides more room for students creativity. Therefore, music education and
community music can educate music learners in a more effective way, if they work

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