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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam October 20, 2015

Bhagawan declares that we all are essentially divine. What then is the
difference between us and Him? On this auspicious Avatar Declaration Day,
Bhagawan lucidly explains.

Oblivious to the presence of the sacred Divine within, people

embark on their quest for God. Avatars (incarnations) are of two
kinds: Amsaavatar and Purnaavatar. All human beings
areAmsaavatar (partial incarnation of the Divine). Mamaivaamso
jeevaloke jeevabhutah sanatanah (In this world of living beings, it is
a part of My Eternal Self that has become the Jiva, the individual
soul), says Krishna in the Gita. These partial incarnations, caught up
in Maya, develop egoism and possessiveness and lead worldly
lives. However, the Purnaavatars (complete incarnations of the
Divine), subduing and transcending Maya, manifest their full divinity
to the world in their lives. The Purnaavatar may behave, according
to the circumstances, as if subject to Maya, but in reality He is free
from it at all times. But some, not understanding this truth owing to
their own limitations, attribute wrong motives to His actions. In this
they reflect their own feelings.
- Divine Discourse, Aug 14, 1990.

God is not to be spoken of as coming down or going up, since He is everywhere. Baba
20 AkqUbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: Bgvwn ny GoSnw kIqI ik AsIN swry,idvX(Bgvwn) hW[iPr swfy Aqy Bgvwn iv`c kI Prk hY?AwpxyAwp nUM,ies piv`qr idhwVy au`qy,Bgvwn GoiSq krn qy,Bgvwn,ies nUM smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: mnu`K iv`c,piv`qr Bgvwn dI hoNd dy bwvjUd,mnu`K Bgvwn nUM Kojx iv`c lig`Aw hoieAw hY[Avqwr do qrHW
dy huMdy hn[AWiSk Avqwr Aqy pUrx Avqwr[swry mnu`K,AWiSk Avqwr hn[Bgvwn ikRSn ny gIqw iv`c ikhw hY
ik ies sMswr iv`c,ij`Qy jIv-jMqU rihMdy hn,mYN AwpxI AnMq mwieAw kwrx,jIv rUp Dwrx kIqw hoieAw
hY[mnu`K,ies AWiSk Avqwr iv`c,moh-mwieAw iv`c P`isAw hoieAw hY Aqy aus iv`c hMkwr,dOlq iek`TI krn dw
sBwau huMdw hY Aqy sMswr iv`c,ienHW BwvnwvW nUM lY ky jI irhw hY[pr pUrx-Avqwr,sMswrI moh-mwieAw qoN pry
huMdw hY Aqy AwpxI pUrx idvXqw nwl,ies sMswr iv`c rihMdw hY[pUrx-Avqwr BwvyN,Awm AwdmI dI qrHW mOky dy
muqwbk jIvn bsr krdw hY pr hr vyly auh,sMswrI mwieAw qoN pry rihMdw hY[pr ku`J lok,AwpxI nwsmJI kwrx

,ies scweI nUM nw jwxdy hoey Avqwr v`loN kIqy krmW dw glq mqlb inkwldy hn[ieh swrw ku`J,aunHW dI AwpxI
Bwvnw kwrx hI huMdw hY[(14 Ag`sq,1990 dy idvX pRvcn)[
mnu`K dw ies qrHW dw kihxw ik eISvr,AwkwS qoN DrqI qy AwauNdy hn jW AwkwS au`qy cly jWdy hn,glq hY ikauN
jo auh hmySw hr jgHw rihMdy hn[(bwbw)[

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